~A chance...~

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June 12th 1537
Paraquat Palace

June 12th 1537Paraquat PalaceGreece

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"Yes, Charlotte? How can I help you?"

Charlotte forced down a lump that was forming in her throat. "Uhm...L-Lady Boleyn is here and she requested for a private audience with you."

"Which Lady Boleyn, Charlotte?" Émilie asked with a hint of humour in her voice.


"Anne Boleyn, Émmie. You know Mary has preferred to be known as Lady Stafford ever since she got married to her new Husband."

"I know, Annie. I was just teasing." Émilie offered her best friend a kind smile, trying to mock her. "Though I don't think Charlotte took it as a joke."

"Hmm, suppose not," Anne remarked, then turned to Charlotte. "You may leave now, Lady Charlotte. I'd like my private audience with Émmie now."

"Alright, Lady Boleyn. But the Empress strictly orders you not to dare engage in having sexual relations with the Queen. Otherwise, you will almost immediately be sent back to France. Understood?"

"Very well, I'll obey her Imperial Majesty as best of my abilities, Lady Charlotte."

"Good, I'll leave you to it then." As soon as Charlotte closed the doors, Anne couldn't contain her smile. She climbed over the arm of the sofa and stealthily made her way over to Émilie, wrapping her arms tightly around her in a warm embrace.

"I miss this, Annie..."

"Miss what, Émmie?"

"When you and I used to cuddle together in front of the warm, blazing fire back in Hever when we were only mere children."

Anne giggled, resting her head on Émilie's breast. "You sure Angella won't allow me to at least tease your body, not even a little bit?"

"Unfortunately not, Annie. She's being protective of me and the children, that's all."

Anne looked up at her, her eyes dimmed with a pitch of sadness. "Did you tell her?"

"About what?"


Thankfully, Émilie shook her head. "Not yet, I was waiting till you came back home from France and we'd tell her together...But, I don't know..."

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