|Re-written| A secret told

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Y/n pov

Thinking about the past was something that I loved to do, thinking and pondering about certain events. I was thinking of one certain memory that I just loved to look back at.

I was all alone at home, waiting for mom and dad to return from work. Tartaglia, my parents 'friend',  had come over and was watching over me.

"Tartaglia, why isn't mommy and daddy back yet??" I ask him, wanting them to open the door right now, with open hands, ready to go to the festival happening today.

"I'm sure they'll come back soon... Let's just wait for a few more minutes" he replies, some hint of uncertainty in his voice. 

After a few more minutes, they still hadn't come.

"Why don't we go to the festival now and find them later?" Tartaglia suggests.

I look disappointed but agree.

The streets were illuminated with lights, and I was looking at everything with awe. It was the Lantern Rite Festival and I was always excited for this time of the year. Tartaglia agreed to buy me a few things they sold and at one point, I got hungry and he got me food! Yummy, delicious food!

The night was spent just like that and I had enjoyed it a lot. That one single memory meant a lot to me.

Y/n pov

"Y/n, we need to talk.." my mom said, motioning for me to sit beside her.

"Okay Mom!" I replied, sitting beside her on the couch.

My dad started to speak in a very serious tone, "It's about our job, as you know, we haven't told you yet..."

I nod, which was a sign of encouragement for him to continue speaking.

"We work for an... organization called the Fatui" he continues.

My eyes widen in shock. My parents... They worked for that terrifying, malicious organization?

"W-why would you keep this information away from me?!" I say, my voice stuttering a bit, due to confusion and shock. I back away to my room, ready to run away.

"Wait-" my mom tries, but she is cut off by the slam of my door.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I didn't know why I was crying. My parents worked for the Fatui... A feeling in my heart told me that this was a bad situation and this is what lead me to leave.

Time skip

I had left Liyue Harbor a few days ago and I was headed for Qingce Village for the night. Every part of my body was throbbing, due to the huge amount of travelling in the past few days. Looking up, I could see that the sky was starting to darken. I started to walk a little faster, and soon, I was able to see Qingce Village ahead. 

I soon reached the village and they had welcomed me warmly, giving me food and shelter. I thanked them and they said it was nothing. It was soon night and I had a good sleep, which was well-deserved for me.


{Previous A/n}

This is my first book, first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it!

I'm going to try publish one more chapter this week

{Re-write A/n}

i think this is better? lol

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