|Re-write| Secrets Discovered

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a little swearing

Y/n pov

Checking my word was a crucial part of doing my job efficiently and yeah.  I realized that I had made a huge mistake in the beginning of my work... AND IT WAS THE LONGEST/HARDEST ONE I DID! This got me frustrated and I was definitely disappointed in myself. I looked down at my vision, which was glowing an unusual colour.

I look at one of the longest documents, and I check it as I finish it off. I see 1 huge mistake I made in the right beginning- AHHH! I was so frustrated I didn't even realize Scaramouche staring at me. My vision started to glow, and the pretty red turned into dark blood red. What was happening? I didn't know, all I knew was that my hands were starting to get warmer and warmer and the paper accidently burnt and the fire was starting to spread and ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Now Scaramouche was really staring at me intensely, after a few seconds he says "What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing?! If you want to start a fire, start it somewhere else!". He lifts up his hand to create an electro ball to throw at me but I somehow dodge it. Instead of hitting me, it hits a glass cabinet and it breaks. "I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me..." I say with a hint of confusion. Why had that happened? I didn't activated my vision. I look down with shame. It was very silent and when I looked at Scaramouche, I saw that he was still glaring at me. I take some pieces of paper I haven't finished and slowly back out of the room. 

Once I get somewhat far away from his office and I bumped into someone. "Oh hi Tartaglia...* I say. He notices my mood isn't that well so he says "Heyyyyyyyy, how's it going?". I reply "Oh well, I kinda almost burnt up Scaramouche's office..." Now he is really shocked "YOU WHAT? Now, that's a little too far" I still defend myself "It was an accident!". He smirk at me "You sure?". I yell "YEAH I'M SURE" He seems a little shocked by my behaviour so he just say "Oh ok..."

*Time skip*

I was in my room thinking about what had happened earlier. I was thinking to apologize to Tartaglia, but of course, you don't find Fatui Harbingers randomly going around. I was thinking until a sharp pain hit my head, it was as if someone was stabbing me. When I closed my eyes, it was like I had teleported away somewhere else.

The scene was back at my house back in and a platinum-blonde haired lady was talking to my parents. I heard some glimpses and heard them say "from Natlan" and "don't take them away from us!". A 'smaller me' appeared, sobbing and puffy eyed. Apparently, the 'smaller me' had heard everything. The pretty lady walked towards me and patted my head and I slowly fell down, she caught me before I could fall. My parents led her to my room and excused herself. 

I open my eyes and my head was still throbbing. What the hell was that?, I as myself. It wasn't ordinary, more rather to say 'out of the ordinary'.. I write down the pieces of information that I could remember and closed my eyes to take a break. I loved it when I close my eyes, I could imagine anything I wanted, except for the fact that everytime when I did that in my room back in Liyue, I would get interrupted. This time, it was different, I just sat there with my eyes closed and imagined if I was still out there exploring Sumeru and other parts of the land. I wished that Tartaglia hadn't found me while sleeping. Peacefully, I fell asleep and this time, my dream was peaceful and had a calming voice that lead me through the hardships during that time. I thought I had heard that voice a long, long time ago...

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