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Y/n pov

I stepped into Scaramouche's office, gaping at how many piles of paper there were. It was pretty messy to be honest. Was this the average work load of a Harbinger?

As if he could read my mind, he answered my question right away "No, this is just for the assignmentThe Tsaritsa assigned us."

I sighed, that group of mysterious 'people' were causing much more than I thought they were. How long approximately would it take for them to find them?

I took a pile and started to skim the paper. Although, as said, I was 'skimming' it, I wasn't paying any attention at all to the piece of paper. My thoughts wondered to other places like... Wait! The dream I had.

I mean, hadn't Scaramouche informed her about it?

I sighed, trying to focus but I could never. The voice that had helped me in my dreams was haunting me for some weird reason. I could never get it out of my head as if it was attached to me. 

After 2 hours

Scaramouche was staring intently at me looking at how few pieces of papers I've been doing. He wanted to speak up, so he did. "What the hell are you doing? It's been 2 hours and you barely did anything!" he snapped. My head shot up from the document that I've been staring at for the past 20 minutes. I didn't look at him in the eyes "I was thinking about this case and I think it's useless to do this". "You dare go against the Tsaritsa's order? I honestly think you are useless, you brat" he snapped back at me. 

I sighed as I walked out of his office. I was tired since I barely had any sleep. So, I headed to my room to write a letter to my dad. He was often in Liyue doing work there. I started writing, 

Dear Father,

How are you doing? I hope things are doing well for you; there has been a mysterious-

And my letter was interrupted by the sound of a door knock. I could never get my own work done before I was interrupted. I walked to open the door and when I peer out, it was a Fatui diplomats. I glanced at my schedule and it should've been when they were training. 

I looked at her and she coldly said "You are requested to meet Lord Eleven at the training arena."

I nod at her but it seemed like she wanted to say more, she narrowed her eyes at me and asked me a question, "Can I trust you?"

I, oblivious to the true meaning of this question obviously said yes, but when she replied, she said to meet her in one of the unused corridors of the Fatui. I didn't know what this meant, but she left right that second she said that. 

I headed towards the training arena and I saw Childe waiting for me. He was already warming up, so I cleared my throat and waved at him. I decided to say sorry right now "Look, I'm sorry about last time Tartaglia... I was just really stressed..." 

He shook his head and said "It's fine comrade! I forgive you completely!" and he smiled so happily at the end. "Now, I requested you to come here because I wanna fight you, again!"

Time skip

I was all sweaty and exhausted after the fight with Childe. So, I went to my room and took a very comfy bath and forgot all about the meeting with the Fatui diplomat. I hurriedly got dressed and dried my hair up and walked to the 'unused' corridors.

She was already there, with loads of other people, she said "About you got here..."


Hello! I may be uploading some chapters not much frequently, but I will update it sometime. I just need sometime to figure things out, thanks!

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