|Re-written| Caught off Guard

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Y/n pov

I sighed as the sun was shining through the curtains. I was so tired and was hungry. I took out my map and circled my next destination. It was pretty far away, Mt. Aocang.

I was ready to go outside when I saw Milelith talking to Granny Ruoxin. I was glued to the floor, trying to catch what they were saying. 

"Have you seen this girl?" they ask, holding a picture of a h/c and e/c person. 

I was literally freaking out, the Milelith was looking for me! 

The guard continued speaking, "Their name is Y/n, if you find them, please report to us and we will issue your award"

Granny Ruoxin doesn't speak for a moment, and replies "No, I haven't seen her around here, if I do, I'll sure tell you"

I sighed with relief as the guards left and I went to thank her. 

"Thanks for not telling them I wasn't here! I owe you" I say, thanking her.

"Of course kiddo" she says.

We had said our good-byes and I had set off.

It was my first time feeling so lonely, as I was always surrounded with friends and leaving them was a hard choice. It was a risk I had to take, to take a break from my parents, some time to reflect and think about their choices of keeping a huge secret from me.

I was pondering, not even thinking of where I was going as I was just walking along the path in-front of me. I later realized I had gotten way off track and was going the wrong way. I sighed in defeat, having to walk back tomorrow.

I decided to have a good nights sleep for tomorrow as it would be as trouble-some as ever.


{Previous A/n}

Yayyyyy! another chapter posted :D

{Re-write A/n}

i just realized how many mistakes i made in this chapter 😯

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