More Mysteries

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Y/n pov

I woke up early in the morning to finish off work I was assigned. Though, I would have to go ask Scaramouche for it.

I got dressed and walked down the freezing halls. I shivered every-so-often and tried to keep warm. I finally reached his office door and knocked on it with my right hand. I sighed in relief as he told me to come in, the warmth finally reaching my skin.

"Good morning My Lord. I'm here to get my work for today?" I say thinking carefully about what I was saying

He grumbles something then says, "Why are you doing your work early? You know that'll just result in more work after you finish the first few."

I paused, thinking how to say this, "My Lord, I was planning to go with my mom and dad to the city, since I've never been there. I was considering to ask you if... I could have the rest of the day off if I finish my work early."

He scowled at me and said sharply, "Who said you would be going anywhere?"

I look down at the ground, not knowing what to say. 

"Tsk..." he says. 

Instead of saying anything else, he handed me my work for the day. I bowed and left, walking back to my room.

I rushed to put my work back and then headed to where my mom would be stationed, telling her the news.

"Mom! I'm so sorry but I can't come with you to the city tonight..." I say sadly.

"Aw... That's fine hon, I'm sure Lord Six let you off for the winter break, which is very soon" she says, a little disappointed.

I nod and say my goodbyes, heading off to finish some work.

Scaramouche pov

I glared at the door that Y/n just exited through. How could they be so careless?! Ugh, I should get back to work.

I couldn't focus for some odd reason, and that just annoyed me. Suddenly, a person knocks on the door.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT" I yell at the door.

A fatui diplomat walks in scared for their life. Heh... How I loved to see mortals cower down before me. 

"M-my lord, the Tsaritsa r-requested for you..." he says, stuttering. 

"Alright, alright, I'm coming" I say, the Fatui diplomat then running away.

I walk down the halls, and when I reached my destination, the guards at the door let me in.

"Ah, I see you've arrived, Scaramouche" the Tsaritsa says.

I bow down, slightly confused that she used my name, not the usual.

She orders me to look at her, and I do as she says.

"Now, about Y/n..." she says, her eyes burning into my soul.

"Yeah? What about Y/n?" I say, still a little annoyed at them

"They aren't what they seem to be, and the truth is yet to be uncovered about them. Watch their movements carefully and I will tell you the truth... When the time comes." she says slyfully.

I listen carefully to every word she said, and I narrowed my eyes. This seemed like a joke to me, what could be so special about that mortal? All they do is rot and die when their time comes.

She dismisses me and that gives me some time to think about what she said. I would do what she told me to do for now but that when I get my hands on what's mine, I will go against what she says!


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