|Re-write| Found and Caught

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3rd person pov

As the night went by, a few groups of soldiers were scouring the mountains where Y/n was, in search of them. 

As expected, they had found Y/n soundly asleep under a tree. 

What they did? Y/n would find out tomorrow morning.

Y/n pov

I woke up to the sound of people talking, and when I opened my eyes, I realized that I wasn't where I was last night... I look around in the room I was in, and it seemed familiar. Black walls, simple furniture and a huge window looking outside. 

It was foggy and raining outside, and no sign of sunshine.

The door creaks open and there he was, Tartaglia. 

"Hi there Y/n.. Listen, I know you didn't forgive us on what we hid from you but please... Your parents miss you..." he says.

"I... I don't know what to feel to be honest..." I say, my voice trailing off.

"It's fine... We'll give you some time to process the information, but your parents really want to talk to you..." he says.

"Fine" I grumble

He exits and returns a few minutes later, with my parents, stepping out of the room for us to talk.

"Hey Y/n..." my mom says. She seemed so lost on what to say and I get it. Your child just ran away from you and was taken back here against their will, what do you say?

"Hi mom, dad" I say, wanting to break the silence, "I've thought over what I've done and I really think it was foolish of me to run away.  I was just so confused and didn't know what to do"

My parents forgive me and embrace me with a hug and we forgive each other. 

"Listen Y/n... We were requested to convince you to join the Fatui" my dad says, interrupting the peace we all had with those horrible words.

"No way! Dad, I don't want to join, you know that!" I say, obviously saying no to the Fatui's 'invitation'.

"Hon, if you don't join, they'll force you in a horrible way, and you'll probably get hurt" my mom says, worried.

"I- Please let me think about this, I won't say if I'm joining or not, just please, don't make me join" I beg.

There was a huge pause which made me guess it was bad news.

"They want an answer by the end of today..." my dad says, closing his eyes, expecting the worst outcome.

"That just... Leaves me with no other choice than to say no!" I say indignantly.

After so much begging from my parents, I glare at them and finally say, "Ughhh, fine! I'll join..."

And that's how my life became the average life of a Fatui diplomat's life


{Previous A/n}


{Re-write A/n}

this seems better lmao 

this will be all the re-writes i'll do rn :D

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