Going on a trip!

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a little tiny bit of swearing

Y/n pov

I had a new goal in mind. To prove myself worthy to Scaramouche! How was I going to do this? Welp, I don't know. This was going to be the hardest mission that I would ever put myself in.

Ehhhh, that's fine! I had harder goals in my life before :DDDDDDDD

I skipped down the halls, ready to get some work for the day!

I knock on the door of his office and I open the door when he says to open it.

"Good morning Lord 6th!" I say cheerfully.

"Well somebodies happy today" he grumbles.

"What work will I have to do for today?" I say, interested in what our new mission was.

"We're going to Liyue today. Pack up your things and hurry back here" he says gruffly.

This was quite a surprise! I hurried back to my room, thinking that this could be my chance to prove myself!

I took a bag and stuffed some clothing inside. I was so exciteddddd! What were we even going to do?

I hurried back to his office and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You'll need to bring your weapon along of course..." he says sharply, reminding me that I had nothing to defend myself. I mentally slapped myself for not remember that.

We walked down the cooridors. He was in front and I was behind, like a puppy following his owner.

"Here. Take this" he says gruffly, handing me a brand new spear.

I thanked him with gratitude, thinking why he sounded so gruff today.

"Follow me" he commands, walking slightly faster.

We reached a deck that was outside. Thankfully, I had my jacket(which was really thick) on me.

"Hello my dear comrades! Y/nnn, I'm here to say bye-bye to youuu!" Childe says cheerfully.

"Awwww! Thank you Childe! I miss your cheerfulness" I respond, hugging him.

"Can we go already?" Scaramouche asks. I'm pretty sure he was annoyed, since he did roll his eyes and glare t me a few times.






It was really quiet on the boat. I had brought 1 of my favourite books with me and I was grateful that I had. I would be bored to death if I hadn't.

I heard a knock on my door and I stood up to open it. I turned the door knob to see an agent standing there, with hands behind its back.

"Lord 6th requests to see you" he says plainly.

"Okay, thanks!" I say gratefully.

I realize how beautiful it was outside on deck. The sea was bright red with the sun's reflection. The sky was just a huge amazement to me.

I was lost for a bit, until Scaramouche found me...

I really am not proving myself to be worthy right now.

"What are you doing here?" He snaps at me.

"I... I was a bit lost on the way to your room sir." I respond, looking down at my feet.

I was really awkward between us, so I decided to break the silence.

"Isn't the sky beautiful?" I say, looking up at the beautiful mix of colours.

"The stars, the sky... It's all a gigantic hoax. A lie." he says calmly.

"Ehhhhh?" I say confused. What was that supposed to mean?

"We're going to go to the Northland Bank tomorrow, when we reach land." He says, turning around and heading away.


Damn him.






Once we did reach land, we headed towards the city.

I was super hungry though...

The streets of Liyue were full of bustling people, all there to buy food, or anything else.

We stopped by at Wanmin Restaurant for some food.

The bubbly chef was named Xiangling. I really enjoyed her company. For a second, she thought we were a couple that came for the discount-

She had 2 friends that hung out with her called Chongyun and Xingqui.

Xingqui was reading his book silenty in the corner, but was looking at us suspiciously.

Chongyun too, was looking at us, when he was eating his popsicle.

"Here are your orders!" Xiangling announced, placing our dishes on the table.

We finish eating our food and Scaramouche says slyly, "Y/n, would you be able to wait outside while I talk with my new friends?"

I nod and I head outside, waiting for Scaramouche to come.





I heard a sudden crash. I rushed inside. What had happened?

I saw Scaramouche standing calmly at the table we were eating at and Chongyun holding up his claymore.

Why were they fighting??

Instead of responding to Chongyun's attack, Scaramouche walks towards the exit, grabbing my wrist and walking out of the restaurant.

He says, "Let's go, our business is done here."

We quickly head towards the bank he was talking about earlier and I ask, "Why did we leave, and why was Chongyun holding his claymore?"

He rolled his eyes once again and said, "They simply refused to give me information, and I gave them what they deserved. They are going to tell the Millelith about our activity"

We reached the bank and hurried inside.

"Now where's that piece of ginger haired bitch..." he grumbles.

Ginger? Was he talking about Tartaglia???

And it was confirmed as Tartaglia walked through one of the sets of doors.

"Wait why did you say bye to me when we left the port?" I say, not intending to say that out-loud.

"Oh, I thought the hat guy over here would get you 2 killed before you could even get here" he said casually.

I widened by eyes. WhAtTtTt??

"I'm going to talk with this stupid asshole" Scaramouche snaps.

"Oh I'm soooooo scared" Tartaglia says sarcastically, waving his arms around to add to it.

I giggled and earned a glare from Scaramouche.


guys theres a problem 4 me on wattpad, its just on chrome tho

idk it doesnt allow me 2 publish new parts so rn im using another broswerrrr :c

is it just me???

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