|Re-write| Being Followed

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Y/n pov

I quickly ran after the person in my dream. They were sneaking around with much lightness and agility, not making any sound for people to hear. Though, I didn't have much experience of sneaking around, and once in a while, they would turn around when I made a sound. Thank the Archons because I always hid somewhere.

The person soon arrived at a dim room, with people surrounding something. Though, it was a person standing in the middle, ready to talk when everybody was there. The person in the middle floated into the air, a rush of wind blowing into everybody's faces. The leader  talked about many things, covering many topics. I zoned out on some parts but I heard one clear thing. 'The downfall of the Fatui'. This was crucial information! 

Scaramouche pov

I had to admit, Y/n's dream was a little bit out of the ordinary. Instead of letting this topic go away, I followed Y/n, who was heading somewhere. They were heading far from where the available corridors, and I narrowed my eyes. Nobody was supposed to come here, only higher ranks of the Harbingers could come. This was for special purposes, not for the stupid Fatui agents to come wandering around. Y/n suddenly stopped, and was listening to a group of people standing in front of us. I realized that the person that Y/n was describing to me.. It was Dstorai, he was once a loyal agent who was brainwashed by the Abyss. I heard bits like orders of the Abyss and the downfall of the Fatui. When the group separated, I went towards Y/n, placing a hand on their shoulder.  

Y/n pov

I felt a cold hand rest on my should and I yelp in surprise. I turn around and I saw Scaramouche. I look at him, full of surprise. He narrows his eyes and says in a demanding tone, "What did you hear?"

It was a short question, but I knew exactly what he wanted to know. I started to spill the beans on what I knew and heard, his gaze sharpening after every word I said. At the end of everything I said, his gaze was basically piercing through me.

I wanted to go back to my room to work, but I didn't know the hell I was. "Umm... My lord, I'm not really sure how to get back to my room..."

He tsks and says, "You can work in my office, but make sure you don't make any distracting noises"

This was said quite sharply and I sighed, this was a tough day.

I started to work on the pile that was given to me, grumbling about some things that it contained. This was stupid, work was so. so. stupid!


{Rewrite A/n}

i'm so sorry for not updating for a period of time

school has been really tiring 😭😭

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