|Re-write| Rules and Training

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Y/n's pov

I sighed at my schedule Scaramouche gave me. I quite busy, almost no breaks. Only lunch... 

It was time for my first training lesson and I was totally optimistic about it. I had never fought anything in my life before and I have a really good guess what Scaramouche would say about this.

I walked down to the arena, but as you know, I don't know this place well. Sooo, I got lost. I was glancing back and forth, my right and left, until... I saw Tartaglia walking out from my left.

I waved to him, trying to catch his attention, "Hey there Tartaglia! I'm a bit lost..."

A fatui diplomat walking past us looked at me in shock, and I looked back at them full of confusion. Instead of telling me why, they scurried past Tartaglia, going somewhere.

"Don't worry! I remember when I was lost too when I was here" he says, nonchalantly.

"So likeeee, where's the training arena?" I ask.

He smiles and says, "It's off to your right, and then you turn left and then right again. That's it!"

"Thanks! Also, why was the Fatui Diplomat looking at me in shock??" I ask, full of confusion.

He sighs, "It's because you usually call the Harbingers 'My Lord' or 'My Lady'"

I nod, a little perplexed about this situation. I mean, I knew it would be something weird but... Actually doing it is kinda weird.

I said my thanks and headed off to the arena. Apparently, I was 10 minutes late, according to Scaramouche.

He glared at me, and told me, "Training starts now, if you aren't ready, then too bad"

"W-wait! What are we even training about?" I ask frantically.

"I'm not going to spend my time answering your questions, since you're late," he snaps.

"I was lost" I groaned. How could he be so mean?

He narrowed his eyes at me again and finally, after a few seconds said, "Go get a wooden sword from the equipment room."

"Where's the equipment room?" I question.

He sighed and pointed to the small opening in the huge arena.

"Thanks!" I say, running off.

Time skip

The training was going well because I was learning lots of things. I could pick up the skills pretty quickly and I was proud of myself. Except somebody wasn't too happy about it.

"Fine, since you prove yourself to be a little bit of a good fighter, then fight this machine" he says, pointing at one of the smaller ruin guards.

Honestly, the only ruin guard I've seen was in books. The description said that they were really dangerous, tall and powerful, but the one in-front of me was the same height as me.

"Okay..." I say cautiously, approaching the ruin guard.

I slashed at it, waiting for it to turn on, and when it did, I stared at it, waiting for it to attack me.

As it started to lunge at me, I dodged and slashed at it again.

I did the same thing over and over again, but I couldn't dodge the bombs it was starting to launch at me.

So, I closed my eyes, ready to embrace the pain, but then when it did launch its bombs, a shield was protecting me.

In front of me was.. Was a pyro vision!?

I couldn't believe my eyes, as I reached for it. I grabbed onto it, feeling the tingling sensation. I finally got a vision!(that sounds like me when I get a 5-star i want)

I started to attack with pyro, but as I did more and more, the wooden sword had burnt away. But so as the ruin guard. It fell down, not working properly and shut down.

I cheered in victory and Scaramouche glanced at me and left without a word. Welp, today was a huge surprise!

I went to my room and took a bath. After all the training, I was sweaty and tired, just craving some sleep.

My schedule ended with the training so I guess it's my free time!

I leapt onto bed and closed my eyes, ready to embrace tomorrow.


{Re-write A/n}

hi :D

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