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Y/n pov

Everything hurt, it was as if I was still being stabbed to death. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, they felt so heavy, so I didn't try. I let myself drift into darkness once again...

"But I don't want to leave youuuuu!" a child whined

"Come on *****, you have to stay here, for your safety, I'll promise to come back for you" a woman told the child.

"Why can't I come with you? I'll promise to listen to you and do nothing out of linee" the child said again.

"No, I'm so sorry but you have to stay, I love you hon, bye..." and leaves, the child crying and crying, waiting for the woman to come back, but she never did.

Later, a woman in with a black hood came in and grabbed the child, injecting her with a serum that made her fall still.

The child was taken away from her dear home that was later burnt up by a mysterious person.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed, my side hurt so much, my arm too. I looked around me trying to figure out where I was. It was lit up with candles, and the night sky was shown above me. 

Suddenly, a figure stood upon me, which made me scream again.

"Chill, I'm just here to check up on you" a female nurse came in. She was a hydro catalyst wielder, and she was glaring at me with amber coloured eyes. 

I could recognize her, but I couldn't tell who she was. 

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" She retorts.

"Why do you care that I care what your name is?" I say back.

"Ugh, so annoying as always... I'm not here to heal you, but to take you back to where you belong." she said with a mysterious aura.

"And where is it where I belong?" I question.

"Just stop asking questions and get off that cot, you'll be fine..." she said, glancing around. Her sudden change of personality made me suspicious of her.

I slowly got up and it was painful... 

"Come with me Y/n" she says.

We walked along the camp of wherever we are and suddenly, she stopped. 

"Listen-" she said, but was rudely interrupted by the one and only, Scaramouche.

"What the hell are you outside of your cot? And you, what the hell are you doing, leading her out of her cot!" he snaps.

The woman glared back at him and made up a lie, which was delivered quite well, "I just came out here so I can heal Y/n more properly since there is much more space."

"Tsk... You, woman, you're coming with me, and Y/n.. Go back to your tent, I'll deal with you later" he says, leaving with the mysterious woman.

I walk back to my tent, confused, wondering about what would happen to me later. 

Later on, I was just being harshly lectured to never go out of my tent, while injured with a mysterious person. 

"Oh yeah, what happened to her?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" he says.

"Uhhh, nevermind then!" I say.

My mind would always go to that mysterious woman, wondering who she was and where she went after Scaramouche left with her. I just slowly fell asleep later thinking and thinking about something I couldn't figure out what.

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