idk what to name this lol

32 0 0

Y/n pov

I was back at my old room,  laying in my bed, thinking about random nonsense. Suddenly, my window was shattered by a huge gust of wind. I was surprised and I peeked out. The windows were supposed to be strong against wind and yet, it was broken by wind.

The window shards were all over my floor and they could hurt me real bad. 

"What the actual hell.." I mutter to myself. There was a huge ice shard below my window and it looked like quite a big one.  I tried to climb out from the window but a glass shard cut me.

"Ouch!" I yelped, blood was pouring out of my wound, onto the window.

I sighed, going back into my room to clean up my wound. I suddenly remembered about the tasks I had to do.

The wound wasn't deep but it was pretty long. I wrapped it up and got up my pen to start working.

It wasn't about the group that was working against the Fatui, but about me, didn't they already know about me?

Oh well..


heyyyy sorry for this reall really short chapter

i dont know where this story is going sooo

yea lol

ooh why is this so short

ill update it more soon :D

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