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Y/n pov

The past few days were quite a blur. It was the same schedule, work, train, eat, hand in some finished work and do more work.

I was exhausted and sleeping just wasn't enough. I just wanted to collapse and never wake up again. 

"Hey Y/n!" a person says. I don't know who the hell they are but...

"Oh hey..." I say, I was too tired to even mutter out a word.

I slouched over my chair, closing my eyes ready to pass out.

"Come on! I know you're tired, but you can't keep working!..." the person continues.

I didn't even recognize them. What were they doing here?

"Who are you?" I say drowsily. 

"Oh dear, you don't remember me?" they say.

I shook my head, giving up and I close my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep. 

The last thing I hear was the person muttering, "Dang it..."







I woke up on a hard surface. Where am I? I tried moving my head to look around but when I did, I still didn't know where I was. 

"Where.. am I?.." I say, my voice was hoarse, probably from not drinking much water.

Nobody responded. It seemed that I was 'captured' here, having chains around my wrists, ankles and yeah...

The door creaked open and I saw a tall figure, with a mask on.. Of course, I was probably some where in the Fatui base....

"I see you've awoken!" the voice says, some-what cheerfully. 

I knew this voice, I've at least heard it once. It was male of course, but who would it be? I looked at the person, but their back was towards me. 

I took a better glance around the room and realized it was a lab. A LAB?! Did I just think this place was A LAB!??!!??!

Nuh uh, I definitely shouldn't be in THE 2ND HARBINGERS STUPID LABBBBBB

But Teyvat heard me, and guess what? I was.


I don't deserve it! At least I don't think so...

"Welcome to my humble lab, Y/n! I've heard you were Scaramouche's new assistant!" the 2nd Harbinger says.

"Why the hell am I in your 'humble'  lab!?" I say, staring at him accusingly.

"Oooh, sharp! I like it, haven't you wondered about Scaramouche's previous assistant?" he says mischievously.

I actually haven't put a single thought on that.

Dottore saw me hesitate and says, "The last one, was killed! He was such a goof off! You should've seen Scaramouche's face when he saw his assistant get drunk!"

That sent shivers down my spine. Although I didn't get drunk, I don't know what I could do to make Scaramouche upset and just... Get killed.

"NOW! It's time for the experiments!!!" Dottore says, psychopathically.

Uh yeah right.. Probably the only reason I was here, was for the experimenting...

"Why me? Couldn't it be any Fatui agent?" I blurt out.

"Nope, has to be you!" he says, starting his up whatever he was doing.

I closed my eyes, wishing I was somewhere else, somewhere far away from the Fatui's evil doings!

I sudden pain hit me on the side of my hip and I yelped in pain. I opened my eyes to see a needle being injected to my side. 

Excuse me, am I going to die here?

I wanted to ask that question so badly, but I didn't, fearing the answer was yes.

Honestly, I didn't plan my life out. What was I going to do? What was going to be my life-long job?

I was knocked unconscious for the meantime so I'm pain-free!







"Wakey Wakey!" a voice says.

Ugh, not Dottore again, did he wake me up? I didn't want to bare the pain anymore.

But I had no choice. 

"Shut up" I mutter.

"What did you just say?" he asks.

"Nothing" I respond again.  

My neck hurt a lot and has been for every time he woke me up. So did my hip. All of this was a whole nightmare and I don't know how long I'm going to survive.

"The test results were marvelous! But, the Tsaritsa didn't want me to 'kill' you, so she told me to let you go." he says sharply, definitely in a bad mood.

"What did you even do on me?" I ask.

"That's a secret!" he responds, cleaning up the mess he made on his result paper.

Time skip

I was finally released from his lab, but I still felt weird from all the experiments. But, I didn't know who actually made Dottore let me go. Logically, the Tsaritsa wouldn't bother to check who he was experimenting on, so that was definitely a lie. It was no other than yours truly, Scaramouche.

I didn't know that. I walked down the halls, into my room and just collapsed. I just wanted to drift off again and never wake up.


heyyyyy im gonna update more frequently these few weeks(hopefully)

but like i have a huge test this thursday 😭😭😭

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