Inconvenient Meeting

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Y/n pov

The next day, inconveniently, the Tsaritsa  called a meeting for all the Harbingers along with their assistants. I didn't want to see Scaramouche again, because of yesterday. The anger I saw in his eyes were clearly with intentions to kill me. I wanted to apologize but I could never sum up the courage to go up to him and tell him that.

Later on

I followed behind Scaramouche as we headed up to the meeting room. The palace always seemed like maze to me, but I hoped, sooner or later, I would remember the ways from here to there. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize we were already there and I bumped into Scaramouche. Oof, I thought. I quickly apologize and he still doesn't say anything to me. I don't look him in the eyes but I could feel his glare lingering. We stepped inside and I followed Scaramouche to his seat. The Tsaritsa acknowledged all of the Harbingers and assistants. She did a quick overview about the reasons why she had called us for the meeting. Apparently, the group of people I had seen in the corridors the few weeks before was stealing and taking things from us. Well obviously, I thought, they are inside the Fatui. I wanted to say that, but obviously I didn't want to interrupt her. That wouldn't be polite. Plus, Scaramouche would've probably told her already. I was lost in my thoughts that only when the Tsaritsa said my name along with Scaramouche's, I had paid more attention. She said that we had to work together to solve this. Oh dang, I thought, that means I have to spend more time with this dickhead. I was disappointed at this arrangement and was hoping she would change it, but her mind was clearly set on this particular idea.

In his office

Scaramouche had quietly lead me to his office, warning me with his eyes not to burn anything up. Once we got there, he handed me some information, documents about the suspects that would be part of the group. The abyss was clearly stated as who they worked for, and plus, my out-of-the-ordinary dream could prove it. I quickly read over it and took out a pen. Some of these documents had wrong information. How did I know? Well, I didn't, I just know. Scaramouche stared at me intently and didn't say anything

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