|Re-write| Nightmares to Come

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Y/n pov

I open my eyes and I expect to see me in my room, but I'm not.. I look around and I'm in a battlefield. Around me, people where fighting, and as the chaos unfolded, I was able to see myself through a mirror. I... I wasn't myself, but though this person looked familiar. The brown hair with amber eyes that were... It was the Fatui Agent that was always sneaking around! As the person looked around, I could only make out one face, Scaramouche's. He was pretty skilled at fighting, I mean, he's fighting more than 10 enemies at the same time. The Fatui agent tried to stand up, but instead of landing on their feet, they landed on their knees and fingers, which were clearly injured. Me, inside of that body, could feel the pain when they hit the ground. 

They tried getting out of the tent, but was staggering and limping on their way out. I could feel the agony they were feeling. I felt bad for them, but that pity disappeared into suspicion as a voice had entered their head, "Remember, your prized possession is waiting for you.. In the Abyss... Do as we bid"

The person suddenly started to scurry across the battle, usually falling down and trying to avoid being attacked. As they reached ever so closer to the object they wanted, it ended.

I woke up, and I had a huge headache. I sighed, the information weighing on my shoulders. I wanted to tell Scaramouche, but what if it was just a silly dream?

I started put on my uniform and walked down to his office. I knocked and when I opened the door, he was busy working.

 I told him about my dream and he narrowed his eyes. "It's probably a silly dream... And since you are here, you should finish this work..." he hands me a handful of paper. Meh.... So much work, I forgot to tell him I had a headache. That's alright I guess.... I left the room and proceeded to my dorm. Then, I saw the person that was sneaking around! I started to follow them

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