|Re-write| Convincing

68 3 0

Y/n pov

I was supposed to arrive at Snezhnaya soon. It was already the evening and the palace was just in-sight. The palace was beautiful, covered in a thick layer of snow, but though, it looked beautiful from the outside.

I stepped inside with as the guards let me in and I was shivering from head to toe. It was very plain inside. A few windows allowed me to have a peak outside. It was snowing a little bit, making outside plain white.

I was lead to the Tsaritsa's huge throne room. I bowed down, waiting for her to say something. Instead, she lifted my chin up with her finger.

"Hm..." she says, studying me, "I'll assign you as the 6th Harbinger's.. 'assistance'".

I widened my eyes, I've heard rumors about him when I went to Inazuma once. He was known to be short-tempered, malicious and short person.

How was I supposed 'assist' the 6th Harbinger if I don't know how to fight? Oh, I'll probably have to do lots and lots of paperwork.

Work started tomorrow, but the Tsaritsa suggested me to just have a small visit with him. 

So I did! I knocked on the door and a voice said, "What do you want!?"

I pause, not knowing what to call him, was it sir or... oh that's just embarrassing to think of.

He opens the door, glaring at me with narrowed eyes. "Who may you be?"

"I-I'm your new assistant?" I say, but ended it more like a question.

"Ugh, I told her majesty I didn't need another foolish mortal!" he says, clearly annoyed at me and the Tsaritsa.

"However, I cannot go against her decision, so you might as well start working today" he says maliciously, a smirk visible on his face.

"What!? W-wait, I start work tomorrow!" I say urgently, I didn't want to start today, I didn't even have enough rest!

He rolled his eyes and snickers, "You dare go against my orders?"

I could feel his aura radiating off of him. He was angry and glaring at me.


{Re-write A/n}

i guess i got the personality better???

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