|Re-write| Waking up to senses

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Y/n pov

I woke up in a flurry of papers. I glanced around, realizing that I had snoozed off on my desk. Gosh, my back and neck were both so soar. I looked at the time, realizing that I was almost late for training! I quickly changed into fresh clothes and rushed into the arena. I sighed in happiness when nobody was there. Last night, I had a goal in mind. I wanted to make Scaramouche proud! Wait, but it isn't like it's that easy, like who knows what he's like. He's so mean to meeee...

Time skip

After a few 10 minutes of training, there was still no sign of Scaramouche.

Was he mad at me? If he was, then that was not a great start towards my 'goal'.

I went to get a wooden sword to start slashing at dummies. Maybe I could learn how to 'control' my vision. Why was it acting up?

When somebody entered the arena, I didn't even realize.

It was a Fatui agent, telling me that the Tsaritsa was requesting me.

After 20 minutes of warming up, there was still no sign of Scaramouche. Was he still mad at what I almost did in his office? If he was, that was his problem, not mine. I walked up to a punching bag and started to think of 'punching and kicing' movements I could do on the punching bag. I started to pratice the basics and still no sign of Scaramouche. What could he be doing? I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice a Fatui Agent walking up to me. I coughs a little to get my attention and says that the Tsaritsa requests to see me. He shows me where she is and I step inside and bow infront of her. She says "Rise.. You are Y/n L/n, assistant of the Balladeer..." I rise and look her right in the eyes. Her grey eyes met mine and sent a shiver down my spine. "Yes?" I reply. She tells me about what Scaramouche had told her about the incidents yesterday. "You are no ordinary person... I know who you are, but I won't tell you now, you'll get distracted. By the way, the Balladeer will be working in his office, while you can train all you want today" she says, concluding the conversation. I nod my head and step outside. The information she had told me was whirling around in mind. 

Time skip

I was training with a wooden sword as it burnt to ashes. But I didn't activate my vision...

This happened more and more throughout my time in the Fatui base. I always could burn down stuff without me knowing it. What was wrong with me?

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