Part 5

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A few minutes later, and after dropping off her book back to her room, Y/N is standing in front of the doors to the tailor shop. Taking a breath, she step inside.

Quite a spacious room greets her, fairly open concept in design with clothes scattered along the walls on different racks. They seem to be organized by type, and a part of her wonders if some of these clothes have been accidentally left behind or forgotten by previous patrons of the hotel.

The sound of a curtain sliding on a rail catches Y/N's attention, and her eyes are drawn to the back of the shop where Jisoo seems to emerge from.

“Ah, there you are. I’ve been expecting you.” Jisoo smiles, and at Y/N's questioning look, she adds, “Irene was just here to fill me in on what you need.”

Uh,” there’s a certain drawl to the way Jisoo said those words that have Y/N's lips parting slightly. Y/N clear her throat. “That was quick.”

“Come.” Jisoo seemingly brushes off Y/N's statement, turning around to step back through the way she came. “I’ve got a few options you might like.”

Following Jisoo into the back of the shop, Y/N realizes that there’s a small fitting area with a large panelled mirror positioned around a raised circular stand.

A dressing room rests just beside it, another curtain drawn in front of it for some semblance of privacy. To the opposite side of the mirror, a rack rests with eight different suits hanging delicately on silk hangers.

The awe filled expression that rests on Y/N's face has Jisoo's heart racing in her chest, a soft grin tugging at her lips. “Pick out your favourite, and then you can try it on.”

Y/N step closer to the rack, hands ghosting the material of the suits. Y/N both wore dress and suits before, though the only time that she did wear a dress was when her mom forced her to.

But now that she's all by herself, she can finally decide for her own.

“Are you sure these aren’t too…” Y/N hesitate, searching for the right word as she turns to meet Jisoo's gaze, “extravagant for me?”

“If anything, none of them could ever do you justice.” Jisoo's honest reply has a heat rising to Y/N's cheeks, and even though Y/N turn to continue inspecting the suits, she can feel Jisoo's gaze piercing her back. 

Saying nothing, Y/N's gaze lands on one suit in particular. Pulling the red suit slightly out from the rack, she examines the cotton material. She has never seen a suit more perfect for her, or that she have loved more at first glance.

“Do you like that one?” Jisoo's voice manages to pull Y/N out of her own thoughts, an eagerness to her words.

Jisoo knew she picked right when she grabbed that suit for Y/N. The thought alone of Y/N wearing it nearly sent Jisoo to her knees, and it’s in her favourite colours, too.

I do.” Y/N confirm with a hum, looking over the suit for another time.

There’s only one slight issue that Y/N can see. The suit appears to be slightly form fitting, and Y/N's not sure how it may look on her.

“Well, go on then,” Jisoo encourages with a smile, motioning to the dressing room behind Y/N. “Try it on.”

For a brief moment, Y/N hesitated, her hand pausing halfway when she went to reach for the hanger. That is, until she decides that there’s really no harm in simply trying it on.

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