Part 31

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The next hour or so is spent integrating her new books and albums onto her shelves, fitting them in nicely where there's space and moving some things around to categorize them how Y/N like.

The two girls still keep her company, chatting with her idly to pass the time.

Sana did offer to help at first, but Y/N brushed her off, saying she was okay for now.

Y/N admitted she doesn't really like other people touching her albums when she shifts, because that way if she drops them, or damages them in any way, she has no one but herself to blame.

That is, until near the end of everything, when they hear Y/N swear under her breath.

"Shit," Y/N sigh, looking back at the coffee table where the last few albums rest as she purposely hold the space open on the shelf for them. She turned to look at the two girls already staring at her. "Can one of you-" she immediately stopped, recalling the way her sweater was torn in two by two other eager demons ready and willing to lend a helping hand. "Satang, can you please hand me those albums on the table?"

"Of course I can, baby!" Immediately, Sana's hopping up from her spot, a large smile on her face as she reaches for the albums.

"Remember," Y/N's smile is nothing short of threatening, "If you damage them in any way, I will damage you."

Sana falters for only a moment as she picks up the albums from the table. Then, a sultry grin is pulling at her lips as she walks over to Y/N.

"Promise?" Sana's voice is full of hope, her eyebrows raising at Y/N expectantly.

"Sana!" Y/N gasp, clearly scandalized as her mouth parts in shock, flicking Sana's arm lightly with her free hand as the demon girl comes to stand beside her. "I'm starting to think you're a masochist."

Irene snorts from her seat, "Oh, you have no idea," she said, turning another page of her book as Sana shoots her a pointed look from over her shoulder.

Y/N's eyes widen in understanding, a chuckle falling from her lips as she takes the albums from Sana's hand to place them on the shelf before her.

A moment later, Y/N took a step back, admiring her work.

"Looks wonderful, baby," Irene appears on Y/N's opposite side, hand finding purchase on Y/N's lower back as she looks over the shelves with her.

The best part is, Y/N didn't move away, or brush off her touch like the last few times Irene had attempted to initiate contact with her.

Y/N smile faintly, admiring the detailing of the library once more. Her heart swells in her chest as those all too familiar emotions of awe and gratitude flood her veins, eyes shining as they roam over the shelves of her collection

"Oh, perfect timing," Y/N heard a voice from the doorway to her left. "Looks like you've just finished."

Turning her head, she saw both Lisa and Mina standing there with grins on their faces.

"I did," Y/N confirmed, stepping back towards the table to grab the bag with all her garbage in it to clean it up, only to see it already gone.

"Great!" Lisa grins, sharing a look between her two other sisters standing just off to Y/N's right. "Mina and I have something to show you."

"You do?" Y/N blink in mild shock. "What is it?"

Mina smiles at her, extending her hand in invitation, "It's a surprise, darling,"

Instantly, Y/N closes the distance between the both of them, placing her hand in Mina's.

Mina wastes no time in interlocking their fingers together, leading Y/N out of the library in the next second with the others following close behind.

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