Part 16

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"Baby, we’re so sorry,” Rosé instantly apologized, eyes pleading with Y/N to believe her as she clings to the sweater for dear life.

Just-“ Y/N's so stunned that she didn't even register the pet name Rosé just called her, sighing in the next moment as she pinch the bridge of her nose, “Put it down.”

Gently, they place the sweatshirt back onto the couch.

“Seriously, we didn’t mean to-“ Lisa begins, before Y/N cuts her off quite sharply.

It’s fine.” It’s not, really, but it’s only a sweater. Y/N will still live. “Accidents happen.”

At least their remorse is genuine, each girl standing there sheepishly as Y/N exhale another sigh. Besides, it can most likely be fixed, but she'll deal with that later.

So,” Y/N begin, “the kitchen?”

“Right!” Rosé jumps at the opportunity to guide her, stepping around the couch with a small ‘follow me’ in the next moment.

Wordlessly, Y/N let Rosé lead her out of the room and down the hallway,

Lisa following close behind. Neither of them say anything for the time being, thoughts consumed with the idea that they’ve just let Y/N down after just getting her to open up to them slightly.

The one thing Y/N asked them to do for her and they’ve already screwed it up.

Then, a brief thought from Y/N has them both perking up.

It can be fixed.

Even though it’s not technically directed at them, the fact that she even thought of a potential solution has their moods perking up momentarily. Perhaps things are not as bad as they seem.

“There are actually two kitchens on the premises,” Rosé explains as she steps into a room not too far off from the bar area, if Y/N recall correctly.

“Of course there are.” Y/N huff out an amused laugh. “I’m guessing the other one is in the opposite wing?”

“That would be correct,” Lisa nods, already sitting at the counter on one of the stools.

Y/N hummed, “Then I guess you’ll have to show me that one later,” she retorted, eyes taking in the details of the cabinets before her.

The kitchen is fairly large in size, bordering on a cross between the size of an industrial workspace, and a conventional home design.

The countertops are granite, that much Y/N can tell, and there’s a separate gas stovetop off to the side. A large fridge sits against one wall, as well as two ovens just beside it, stacked on top of each other.

The cabinets match the design nicely, and Y/N find herself nodding her head subconsciously in approval as she take in the space.

Little did she know of the smile that graces Rosé's features at hearing her impressed thoughts.

Finally, a space that is hers, and she can share it with Y/N.

Plus, her baby approve? There is simply nothing sweeter in this moment for her than this feeling right now.

Walking over to the fridge, Y/N reach out towards the handle. Only, before she can pull it open, she hesitate, unsure of whether or not simply raiding their food stash would technically be considered rude at this point.

“Go ahead,” Lisa assures her with a smile and a nod, even if Y/N's not looking at her.

What’s ours is yours.” Rosé adds, leaning against the counter with a content look on her features as she watches Y/N pull the fridge open.

The sight that greets Y/N has her eyes practically bulging out of her head. Each shelf is stocked with everything and anything she can think of, and more. She seriously doesn’t have to worry about going hungry while she stay here, for they have everything she could ever want - everything she could ever need.

Nodding to herself, a faint smile tugs at her lips as she reaches in to grab some fruits.

In no time at all, Y/N gathered some apples, a few peaches, some grapes, a package of strawberries, and a melon, placing them on the counter beside the sink.

Turning back to the cabinets with her hands on her hips, Y/N's brow furrows. If I were a bowl, where would I be?

Rosé simply smiles to herself as Lisa lets out a soft chuckle.

Wordlessly, the pink-haired girl is opening a cabinet, handing Y/N the two large bowls as Y/N nod to her in thanks.

Placing the bowls on the counter, Y/N realize that she's still missing two things.

Again, Lisa chuckles, watching as Rosé places the knives on top of the counter for her beloved.

Yet again, when Y/N turns around, Rosé is already holding exactly what she needs, placing the cutting board onto the counter before turning around and grabbing two different knives from their holders.

Though, Y/N notice Rosé hesitate before placing them down, keeping them held steady in her hands as she faces Y/N.

Y/N quirk a brow at her, hands still resting on her hips as she looks at Rosé expectantly.

“Forgive me if I’m a little hesitant to give you a knife.” Rosé replies, worried, furrowing her brow.

Y/N know that they’re both probably worried that she'll either try to hurt them, or worse, herself.

Only, she have no intentions to do so. Not only have they proven that they’re faster than her, so even if she tried to attack them, it would be pointless, but also stronger, too.

Besides, they can read her every thought, and Y/N rather not try to dissociate again to make her mind blank for a surprise attack.

Y/N tilted her head, “Says the demon holding them in her hands while she faces me.” she countered.

Again, Lisa chuckles, watching as Rosé places the knives on top of the counter for Y/N.

“Fair enough,” Rosé hums, taking a step back to give Y/N some space.

Y/N shoot her a small smile in thanks as she step closer to the sink to begin washing the fruit. She gets about halfway through washing when she notices Rosé presence lingering just over her shoulder.

Y/N shoot her a pointed look, “stop hovering. Sit.

“I’m not-“ the protest dies in Rosé's throat as both Y/N and Lisa gives her a look. “Fine.

Grumbling under her breath, Rosé makes her way beside Lisa on the opposite side of the counter, pulling out a stool and sitting down right beside her. Carefully, she rests her forearms on the stone, mirroring the exact same position that Lisa is sitting in.

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