Part 11

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A small silence settles over all of them as they allow Y/N to collect her thoughts. A tenseness that they didn’t realize they had all been holding in their bodies leaves them as they saw her relax, even if only just the slightest. Faintly, grins tug at their lips.

Progress. They’re making progress.

“If I’m going to be living with you from now on,” Y/N begins, “then I need to get some things from my apartment.”

“Whatever you need, we can grab for you.” Irene said almost immediately after Y/N finish talking.

“No." Y/N retorted, shifting her laptop to her left arm and cradling it like you would a baby. “I need to grab some things from my own apartment. I don’t care if you come with me, but I need to get my clothes.”

“Again, just tell us what you need and we’ll get it for you,” Lisa repeats her sister's words from only a moment ago.

“Nuh-uh,” Y/N shake her head. “There is no way I am letting eight girls pick and choose my own clothing for me, let alone my underwear.”

Y/N fails to see the way Sana's lips twitch upwards in nervousness as the sound of tearing fabric reaches her ears.

Immediately, Y/N's attention is on the girl standing just to Nayeon's left, now holding two boxers in her hands.

"See what I mean,” Y/N gesture to Jisoo who stands there, her chest rising and falling dramatically as she clutches onto the fabric held in her hands for dear life. “Keep it in your pants, Handsy.”

Jisoo's scowl only deepens when she hears Sana's laugh, her eyes flashing as she looks towards Sana, “That’s rich, coming from the one who already stole a pair.”

A silence so deadly settles around the lobby as Y/N stiffens, her breath hitching in her throat as Jisoo's words register in her ears.

Slowly, almost robotically, she turns her head to the right, staring directly at Sana with a tense smile on her face as she blink. “What?”

“So, clearly, neither of you are going with her to get her clothes,” Jennie sighs, shaking her head.

“Hang on,” Y/N practically slammed her laptop onto the desk behind her before circling her hands around each other in front of her body in a rewind motion, “Can we just backtrack here for a second.” she turned once more to look at Sana. “What did you do to my boxers?”

Sana sucked on the inside of her cheek, her eyes looking everywhere but at Y/N for the time being, “I don’t think you want to know.”

An image of Y/N's ruined boxers flits through all of their minds as Sana recalls the very last activity she remembers doing with them.

Almost immediately, the seven of them groan, Jennie smacking the Japanese upside the head as Sana chuckles.

Again, Y/N smiles tensely, her eyes blank as she watches Sana rub at the back of her head right where Jennie has just smacked her.

Honestly, it’s freaking them out how Y/N appear so calm, tilting her head slightly as her eyes close and her mind goes blank, that forced smile still tugging at her lips.

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