Chapter 1: Making It

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Fatima POV

The first year of college is always the most intense year for a person who has always had parents or guardians to depend on. It the first year you have to do everything thing on your own. You have to learn how to be an adult and depend on no one and nothing, because unlike in like high school no one is there to hold your hand. It also the year of meeting new people and getting out there to know what life is without supervision and of course party like there is no tomorrow. That is if you aren't as serious as me. Now don't get me wrong I party but the number of parties they throw in college I don't see how some people graduate because it is insane.

"Fatima honey are ready to go we leave in the 20 mins. I need you downstairs now."

"Yes, mom I am coming down now."

Ok so you probably wondering where I am going and what does this have to do with me and college. Well, my first year of college was what you expect it to be except the everyday party and the overnight stays at some boys' dorm room. I was mainly focus on school and dancing. I attend Clark University in Atlanta Georgia, along with my best friends Lori and Tavia. We have our own apartment that my parents provide for us because I didn't want to stay on campus. They didn't argue about it because it was their way of still having a hold on me and of course because I am their only girl, and they would do anything for me. Pleasing my parent have always been something that I want to do because I know that's what make them happy. I went to the school of their choice, and I am a double major only because my parents don't think dance is a good choice and they want me to be able to have something else in the works. So, I decided to major in Business to become a Real Estate Agent and because it will help with the business aspect of becoming a Dance Instructor.

"Lori and Tavia you guys ready this summer is gonna be so much fun. I can wait to get there and just relax, shop and....... Dance," Lori interrupts me as I walk to the car smile and laughing because it is true.

So, my dad decided to book us a summer vacation at an all-exclusive resort at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park in London, England. In his words "I think my baby girl deserves a vacation because her first year of college was all work and no play." Like I said anything to please them. And who wouldn't want a vacation to London right!?

"So, Lori how are you and Cameron doing? Is he still on the whole thing about you not wanting to be together anymore because of his situation with his ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes, sometimes I thinks he takes me for a joke because he always trying to buy me whatever I want because he knows I'll fold but this time it's not happening. I can't keep going back and forth with a delusional Bitch and still have my freedom because I'll kill that hoe, she keeps playing with me. So, until he gets that situation under control, I can't do it. And he can buy all the gifts he wants because I stand on what I mean but I am taking every gift, thats his ass that spending unnecessary money."

"Well said Lori I would take all that's shit and more while making his ass jealous as all of them fine ass niggas push up on me." Tavia speaks while giving Lori a hi-five. I just shake my head and laugh because these too are something serious sometimes I wonder how we became friends well me and Lori, Tavia is my cousin but we're like sister as is me and Lori. We've known each other since middle school, and I wouldn't change our relationship for nothing in the world. Tavia moved in with our family when she was in the 8th grade because her parents were always traveling overseas because of their job, and she wanted to finish school in the US. Once the retired they decide to just let her stay which was a plus for me because she was my best friend from birth, and I wouldn't know what to do if she left me. Lori on the other hand was a enemy at first we were in preschool together and both being strong head didn't want to share. We argued all day. The teachers would tell us "(you two will be best friend one day)" and look at us now on this journey of life together.

We sit on the plane and talk and laughed all night until we finally fell asleep. The plan ride to London was quite longer thank God we were on our private jet because it had a room and couch, so we slept throughout every turbulence there was. Once we arrived at the resort it was breathe taking. Words can't even explain how beautiful it was. The concierge took us up to our rooms and got us settle. My parents made sure to get us a suite of our own and they were next door. This resort has everything you could think of and more but the thing that I was ready for the most was the dance experience.

Zac's POV

Life hasn't been the easiest for me. I had it pretty rough growing up as a kid. My mom was a single parent trying to feed 3 kids it was pretty hard. My older brother was alway into something. He didn't mean to live the life he lived he had no guidance, and he felt the world owed him something. My brother ends up going to jail at the age of eighteen. My mom was devastated. Me on the other hand moms was not going for that she wants me and my younger sister to do better so she worked hard for us to attend the best schools and get the best education. She tried with my older brother but being a teen mom and having no help so she did what she could. Even though we went to good schools we were still considered poor so i decided to get a job to help her out she wasn't with it at first but once she gave in, she told me to use it on myself. So, I did I started saving to go to college. While using some money for my sister and putting some on my brother books.

"Man, I can't believe we going to London for the whole summer." Cameron speaks as we are aboard our flight to London.

"Yeah bro this about to be a summer to remember." I look at my best friend Cameron as we dap each other's hands. We have been best friends since forever and we have another friend named Jake who was also tagging along. Cameron and I meet in middle school. He was one of those goofy boys that was always looking for attention and I feel right behind him. We stay making the class together til his mom passed and he had to move to another neighborhood and started going to a different school. I was very sad, but his grandmother and my mother made sure that we stayed friends. Jake however I meet in hight school when I start going to a private school. His family was the definition of money but that didn't matter we bonded over other thing I wouldn't do life without them to. Our junior year of high school some sponsors took on Cameron to help his grandmother out and sent him to our school that's how we all came together. We all got accepted into the same college Clark University on scholarship and decided to be roomies together. We decided to get our own apartment together instead of staying in dorm rooms. We're like brothers so when the heard I had an opportunity to go to London I already knew they were coming along.

How can a poor kid from Jamaica queens afford London? It wasn't easy like I said I worked hard graduated from high school number two in my class and received over a million dollars in scholarships to many colleges. My dance professor signed me up for a dance instructor job in London and I received it. Dance you say of course it speaks to my soul. It's what I do when I am feel overwhelmed It keeps me sane. London is an opportunity to jump start my career. I decided not to pursue a career in football because it's not in my heart but it's what my mom wanted me to do so I did it all high school and I did it my first semester of college. It's hard doing two majors, so my time went to studying dancing and playing football. I tried the party style of college, but it wasn't for me, so I am focusing on what I want in life and that's to because a Dance Instructor. I am also learning to do Real Estate just to have something to fall back on.

"Zac, Jake looks at me and ask, "have you decided if you are gonna continue football next semester. You know the team needs you, plus your scholarship requires you to be a part of the team."

"I really don't know man this semester was hard; I could barely concentrate on what I really want to do. The coach is an ass, and I just don't have time for it so I might just ask him to drop me down, it just depends on how this dance job goes in London." I feel like I have given enough time to football it not what I wanna do so I just might give it up.

We final arrive at the hotel we were staying at it was nice, but it had nothing on the resort that was up the street from us. But that's doesn't matter to me I am only here for one thing and that's to dance. We check in get settled and relax. My mind was on one thing and that was to check out all the dance spots London has to offer.

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