Chapter 7: Just Brunch

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Fatima POV

After leaving class we head back to our suite. I had to take a shower after that class. What is this spell that he has over my body. They way I felt after that class I founded myself pleasuring myself. I could still feel his hands on my body even at this moment. I could still smell his scent and it cause the fantasy of him to stay on my mind. Once I reached my climax, I showered and got myself ready for the night. We decided not to go out, because we had been going out on the town since we got here and tomorrow, we had to meet my parents for brunch and shopping afterwards. I was excited about the shopping part of course who doesn't like shopping. Plus, I could find me something to wear on my date. This would be the first time I have talked to my mom in a couple of days because I just needed to clear my head from the conversation we had. My father decided it was best to have brunch since they haven't spent any time with me since we have been here. Of course, they weren't gonna just leave us by ourselves, our bodyguard and my brother would be here. It doesn't bother me they do what I want.

I walk to where the girls were and sat on the couch. We decided to have a movie night. We got all the snacks that we got delivered from the store earlier and set up. We put on our matching pjs and slippers and grabbed our blankets. We got comfortable on the large couch and decided to watch "Nobody's Fool" a Film by Tyler Perry. That man is a goat at what he does. Sistas and Zatima is our favorite shows to watch. That's our wine down day after class especially. I haven't told the girls about my date with him yet, so I decided to tell them while we were watching the movie. "I have something to tell you guys," I say while sipping my frozen daiquiri we made. They look at me like spill.I look with a smile on my face, "Well......Ugh just tell us already." Lori said with excitement.

"Zac asked me out on a date, and I said yes." They squeal with excitement.

"About time you gave in, that man couldn't stop asking about you Every-time I be on the phone with Jake." Tavia replies.

"So, when are y'all going?" Lori asks.

"Saturday, I hope I am making the right decision. I mean I like him. For some reason I feel safe when I am in his arms. It's new and scary." I empathize.

"We know cause every time y'all dancing y'all get stuck, like no one else is in the room. But It's how I feel about Jake our first date is also Saturday. I can't wait to see what he has planned for us." Said Tavia

We look over at Lori because she was smiling at her phone. I called her name, but she doesn't answer, I hit her on the arm catching her attention. She looks at me and asked, "damn what you hit me for?"

"Because I have been calling your name and you haven't been listening, must be the conversation you got going on over there."

"Right! And you know we have a no phone during girls' night rule. So, who is it cause normally you on our asses about that!" Tavia said.

"Oh hell, I hope it's not Cam." I laughed and she gives me a bitch stop playing look.

"Hell no, it's not him. Look I love him, I do but this love has to be earned. So, until then I have my options and it happens to be one of the students who is in the class he is from Cali. He got hella swag and I wanna give it a shot. I mean I don't see it being long terms considering we stay on opposite side of the earth, but I see me having a little fun. So, what the hell!"

"Hell Yeah!" Screams Tavia. Her being the "no nigga is gone tie me down" one of the group, that was right up her alley. For the rest of the night, we talk about the guys and watch our movie. The next morning, we get ready to to head to bunch with the Parents. They get us a separate car because after we leave bunch, we are going shopping. they are going back to the resort. I do a soft beat on my face not too much. I put on a simple white body con dress and some white and light blue dunks. I didn't wanna put on heels because we would be walking around the mall. I pair it with my white Chanel bag some silver jewelry along with my pandora bracelet that we got each other as a just cause gift and we didn't even know we was getting the same thing. The reason I love them cause we alway thinking about each other. I wear my loc half down the top in a bun. I put on me some ghetto hoops and the infinity necklace Que gave me. Yes, I still wear it cause it's my favorite. I walk out the room looking fine asf. Lori and Tavia comes out their room and we just shook our head because they say great minds think alike. Tavia had on a red body con dress and her red, white and grey 3's with her red Chanel purse and pandora bracelet and Lori had on a pink 2-piece dress fitted to her curves with her pink and white dunks. She also had her pandora bracelets on and her pink Chanel purse. We took pictures and walked out to the car.

We make it to a restaurant called Ducks and Waffle, something my mom chose. When you walk in the smell Is amazing, but the view was everything. This place fits her so well. We get to our table and have a seat.  The server come and take our drink order. My mother being the person she is tells him to just give us the bottomless mimosas. My father and brother on the other hand asked for a whiskey sour. I figured he had a lot on his mind because he told them hold the sour. My mom looks at him with a concerned look in her eyes. Before I could ask my dad what's wrong, he spoke.

"So, girls are y'all loving London so far." He asked."

"Yes," we all say in unison. The waiter comes back with our drinks and get our order. I ordered the 'Wanna Be' Duck and Waffle crispy hen of the woods mushroom tempura, fried duck egg, mustard maple syrup. It sounds like it would be good. He takes everyone else order which was what I ordered all but my brother and dad. They ordered the Roasted Rump of Welsh Lamb charred aubergine, girolles, chermoula. Don't ask I don't know what most of that was. He walks away and my dad starts the conversation again. I was kinda hoping he wouldn't cause I know where it gonna lead to.

"So, I know we haven't talked much since we've been here, vacation for me really don't mean a vacation. Your mother told me about the gentleman that she saw you at dinner with where you met him?"

"The dance class you signed me up for." I couldn't tell him I first meet him at the club he would have a whole lecture for me.

"So, he dances too, I assume." My mother says in a sassy tone.

I roll my eyes because she knew this, we already talked about this. "Yes, mother I told you this. And we just hanging nothing serious" I tell my dad.

"Well baby you know we will have to get to know this young man if he gonna be around you. It's just the way our life goes." My father said.

"Yeah, because I don't need another Que." my brother says, and I kicked him under the table he jumped.

Before I could change the subject, my mother asked about Que, and I just told her we were on a break. I knew she would ask about him because she loved her some Que unfortunately. She gonna be upset when she learns the truth. I know I could've told her the truth, but this is where I draw the line, she doesn't need to know every. She then starts questioning Tavia and Lori and I just shake my head. The tension at the table was thick. The waiter comes out with our food, and we eat and engage in light conversation. The food was good.

"Whew that was good." My father speaks everyone agrees. "I know I told you that we would be leaving for Atlanta on Saturday, but we have to leave as soon as we get back to the resort. Your brother will still be here, and you have Tony also. I expect nothing but the best from you ladies." Can we agree on that my father asks?

"Yea father you know I will be on my best behavior. Just as long as you trust me that's all that matter." I speak.

"We trust you baby; we just want to always make sure you're protected. Now for now we won't hound you about this young gentleman, but we will need to know his name soon. And don't go anywhere along without Tony is that clear?"my mother speak.

"Yes." We all say and Kai, I expect you to make sure she is safe and don't be having them little hoes in and out of my suite. I love you guys." Says my mother.

We say our goodbyes and head to the mall. Once we get to the mall we shop until we can no longer shop. It was what I need after the bunch with my mom and dad. Sometimes being a Wilson is a curse more than a blessing. If I could've maxed my daddy's credit card out I probably would've but lucky for me he has no limit. While we were in the Gucci store, I thought I smelled him again. "Damn" I look around, but he wasn't there maybe I was tripping, I got to get it together. There is no way he got me feeling like this. I find the perfect dress and shoes for my date. After we finished at the mall we head back to the resort. I go to my room and put on my work out clothes. It was now going on 5 pm and I need to relieve some stress. The conversation and the concerned look on my father's face had me thinking so I wanted to work it off and not to think of the food we ate. the guy's tag along we make it to the gym which had everything and begin our workout. While I was on the stair master it hit me again, but it was stronger. Lori came over and tap me on my shoulder and pointed for me to look over and there he was, looking fine asf and headed my way.

A/NHappy birthday Zybug.🥰🥰 y'all wish her a Happy Birthday.AmourrZahh__

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