Chapter 4: Seems to Be

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Seems to Be

Zac's POV

"Zac, Zac, man, are you okay? Jake asks snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah man I am good, I just got lost in a thought for a minute. Let's get this class started." I walked to the front of the class and introduce myself. I let them know my name and the information about the class. They were intrigued and ready to learn all but three. They were standing in a group talking so we couldn't see their faces. I cleared my throat to get their attention. She turned around with a what look on her face, but it was cute. But even more interesting I saw Lori. Cam didn't see her yet because he was too busy flirting with this girl from the extras that was working there. Jake tapped him to get his attention and he was stuck when he saw her. I asked them to line up with everyone so that we could get started. They walk to the back and get into position. I paired the ones that didn't have a partner together. Just so happened the girl that Jake meet was also with them, so that gave me confirmation that it was her. Even though I didn't need it because her body spoke to me. My partner came up and stood by me and we started demonstrating the dance. She looked intrigued like she was trying to figure out something. Once we got the done with demonstration, the music started play and everyone started moving. I walked around to make sure everyone was getting it. Checking their form, hand and feet placement. When I got to her all I could say was "Damn" her presence itself had me nervous and that's not me at all.

I looked at the guy and asked if I could take over. He agreed and I took her by the waist, and she shook as if she had the chills. For a moment we stare at each other before she spoke.

"I must be doing it wrong because you came and took over." I turn her so her back was against my chest and spoke "No you are doing it right" as I took her arm above my head and grazed my fingertips down her arm to her waist sending chills down her body and grabbing her hand spinning her out and bring her back into my chest while she stared into my eyes. The contact was intense. We stood there for a min until we heard the music stopped. I whispered in her ear, and she blushed before walking off. I walked to the front of the class and told everyone that they did a god job, and I would see them Wednesday. As I gather my things I look up and see my boys getting their flirt on well Jake, Cam was getting cussed out. I don't even know why he was bothering her.

"So, you just go ignore me and act as if I don't exist" Cam said to Lori, who was trying to walk out the door.

"That's my plans, I have nothing to say to you. I thought I saw you last night and it was dancing on some man, but I don't care do you I am single." Say Lori.

Jake on the other hand looks like if he smiles any harder it'll be permanent. Whatever she was saying to him had him gone. All I heard was him say was, "bet I'll let you know when and where." Seems he got a home run, Cam on the other had it wasn't working in his favor. They go at it for a minute until she walks away. I head towards my goddess, and she sees me coming so she tried to grab her stuff and leave. It looks as if she's asking Lori something. I grab her hand before she walks out the door and ask if I could get to know her. She looks at me and spoke. "I don't know if that's a good idea." I ask why and she walks away as her other friend runs up behind them.

As she walks away Cam and Jake comes up behind me and ask what happened. "It was her." I said while smiling and shaking my head. "The girl from the club." Jake says while pushing me. "Yes, her and did you see who she left out with." We all just looked at each while Cam rubs his hand over his face. "I knew I saw Lori last night, now look at you, looking like a fool." Jake says as he shakes his head. We get our stuff and head back to the room. Once we get in the room we decide to head out and get some food. I take a shower and get ready. Jake and Cam are sitting in the living room waiting for me. We call a car and head to a restaurant called Steak and Company. We get in and the hostess seat us at our table. We start talking about the girls again. "Jake what did she whisper to you that had you blushing that hard," I asked.

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