Chapter 9: Gettin Ready

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It was the Friday before Zac and Fatima's date Zac was very happy. Nothing and no one could change that. The woman of his dreams had agreed to go on a date with him he was smiling for ear to ear when he woke up. He got up and got his stuff ready for the day. He took a shower and did his morning routine. He had got a call from his boss saying he needed to talk to him, so he got dressed and left out. He made his way to the resort. Today he only had one class which was the Mambo class. It was a early class so he wouldn't be there long. He made his way to his boss office. When he got there his boss told him to have a seat and he did as he was told.

"I know you probably wondering why I called you here today?" He stated, Zac nods his head yes because he was little nervous on what he was about to say. "First, I just want to say that you are doing an excellent job in the classes. The guest has done nothing but spoke on how great of an instructor you are. I am glad that we chose to let you lead the classes."

"Thank you, Mr. Fitz, you really don't know how much that means to hear you say that." Zac says.

"That's not all, every year London has a little competition between different studios. We normally don't join but this year I think we should." Zac listens on intrigued by what he was saying. His boss continues to talk. "I would love if you would lead it for me. The dance is your pick. I will let you lead the dance and pick the people you want to join."

"The biggest thing is whoever wins the competition wins a 50-thousand-dollar prize and you also get recognition from sponsors that may want to help you once you finish college. What do you say?" He asked Zac.

"I think that would be great, I am beyond excited about this sir." They both stand up to shake each other's hand. Before Zac walks out the door Mr.Fitz speaks again, "and so you want be surprised you will have a couple guest sitting in today from another studio, one is the owner's daughter."

"Thank you, sir, for the heads up." With that Zac heads to his class.

Fatima on the other hand was nervous. She wants to back down every time she thought about the date. She wanted to go but didn't know how it would end. She put her pride to the side and decided it would be ok, she was over thinking it too much. She knew she had to get ready for class, so she got up did her morning routine. And meet the girls in the kitchen to make her a smoothie. They head out and make their way to the studio. On the way in she was looking down at her phone and didn't notice that she was about to bump into someone. She looked up to say excuse me but before she could the girl says, "watch where you are going" with an attitude, bumped her back and walked away laughing. Tima looks at the girl with a bitch watch yourself expression. Lori walked up to Tima ready to go after the girl.

"I know that hoe didn't just bump into you and laugh!"Tavia says ready to fight.

"Right cause that hoe must don't know who she is fucking with, I'll whoop her little ass!" Lori spat.

"Look it's okay, I don't have time today. Let her have it I have other things on my mind!" Fatima says with a slight grin. If it had been back home or any other place, she would've mind giving her a piece of her mind. But today she had other thing to think about. Plus, her parents where gone, she was in another country, and she didn't wanna bring attention to herself. She walks off and head to the studio.

When she walked in the class, she saw that Zac was already there and he was talking to the same girl that she ran into in the lobby. She was touching and rubbing on Zac, while he was trying to brush her off playfully. She was with two other girls. She just rolled her eyes and walked to the back to stretch and get herself ready.

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