Chapter 15: Love or Lust

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I woke up to the feeling of strong arms around me

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I woke up to the feeling of strong arms around me. I had never slept in the comfort of a man's arms, especially not Que. We never really spent the night with each other because he would find some way to try and have sex. His way of making me comfortable was giving oral and one we didn't go farther he would have a silent attitude so I would leave. After a while it got irritating with the pressure, so I stopped all pleasure until I was ready to go farther. Fortunately for me he fucked that up. Everything with Zac seems so easy. How can he just lay here and not try anything with me. Shit even I was tempted. I stared at the man that was lying beside me with my head on his chest. I start to mess with his chest rubbing my fingers up and down him. The covers were slightly off us as I looked down and noticed his manhood rising. The sight before me sent a signal to my body and I stopped. "Look what you do to me." Was what he said as I smiled because I thought he was asleep.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"Well, I was until I felt you looking at me then you woke him up and it woke me up."

"I am sorry I didn't know that was gonna happen."

"It's ok one day you'll be able to take care of it when you are ready of course." I looked at him with concern in my eyes. He could tell some was wrong from the look he gave me back. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you didn't, it's just...... I stop before I continue because I didn't know how he would respond to me being a virgin. "Tell me what is it gorgeous. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"No...... don't lie, tell the truth." He tells me.

"A little bit but it's not you, it's the topic of sex."

"Ok what is it? You know there is no pressure, right?"

"I know that but it's just that...... he sits up and brings me face to face with him. I look into the eyes that made me feel so safe and comfortable. "Zac, I am a virgin."

"Damn," was all he could say. He looked at me with reassurance in his eyes. "Do you trust me?" Something about those words alway made me feel safe, secure, hell even like he loves me. "Of course, I do."
He looks at me and places two kisses on my lips. "Tima I am not rushing you to do anything you don't want to. When you're ready you'll let me know, plus I wanna make sure you'll mine before we take it there. I also wanna make it special for you, especially since I know now will be your first time." As he places another kiss on my lips, and I blush.

"Damn god did his big one with him." I think to myself.

We get up to shower. As much as I wanted to join him, I knew to just wait it out. We were going to the mall to find something to wear for tomorrow because I had planned a date for tomorrow. He had been doing so much to see me smile so I decided to return the favor. Tony took us to the mall; I am actually glad that they like Zac and let me be. Kai likes him because he was 100 when they met, and Tony said he sees he's a good kid and vetted him of course. I just have to get my mom on board. Her not knowing that we have been spending time together is gonna cause some issues, but I don't care.

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