Chapter 20: Dancing, Laughter , and Love

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"Can I get everyone's attention?" Tavia said as we stood around talking

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"Can I get everyone's attention?" Tavia said as we stood around talking. We have been talking and dancing for about an hour now. It was now time for dinner."

"If everyone could take a seat at their table the servers are gonna go around and begin bringing out food. Once we bring out the food and everyone is done eating we will bless the birthday girl with gifts and some people have something they wanna say. All I have to say is don't get up here and make a fool of yourself or her cause it's some folks in here who's not gonna let y'all forget about so please be mindful of what you have to say. And with that Chef Gocha you can come out."

"Hey Fatima, it's great to see you. I am so happy that I could be here to prepare your birthday dinner for you." she said

"I am so happy you could come too. Thank you so much."

"Anything for my favorite person." i meet Gocha one summer last year when I was on my way to a summer class and i was hungry but running behind. I didn't know what I wanted and I started asking questions. I didn't know who she was at the time. She was so helpful and her suggestion was top tier. After that day I kept going back and brought more people. I asked for her everyday then finally she told me who she was and the rest is just what it is. "I'm not gonna hold you, let me make sure everything is coming out smooth." She walks off and I look at my girls. They were having the time of their lives laughing and joking. I was genuinely happy. I looked and saw Zac smiling at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that honey?"

"I can't look at you now?" He asked, licking his lips.

"I didn't say that."

"I just like looking at you. I have the best view in the room." I blushed as he was talking to me. He melts my heart every time. Even when he's coney I love it. The servers brought out our food and it looked delicious. We had the choice of Steak, Salmon, and Lamb. The sides were baked lobster mac and cheese, mashed potatoes with whatever toppings you wanted, broccoli, asparagus, salad. Of course I had my favorite salmon, lobster mac and cheese and salad. Zac got a steak, broccoli and salad. When I looked up, I saw that Dior had chicken strips on her plate. "Dior IKYFL! How the hell did you get chicken strips?" she looked at me and laughed. " i am not the only one." i looked at the other girls plate and Chanel and Ke had the same thing.

"Now you know they dont eat nothing out of the ordinary and miss i don't eat chicken but eat chicken strips over here asked for Gocha to make them and her being her could say no." Jay said.

"Well you can't go wrong with what you know."Dior spoke, shrugging her shoulders.

"That part!' Ke and Chanel said at the same time. Jay just shuck her head and laughed. Its really no winning wit them. But you gotta love them. After some time we finished eating and it was time for people to present me with gifts, my favorite part. I know it's an adult party who gets gifts at an adult party. Lori walked on to the stage and began talking.

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