Chapter 2: Getting Out

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Fatima's POV

"This resort is unmatched," Lori speaks as we walk around looking at all the room and accommodation that it had to offer.

"Damn I can't believe that your parents treating us to something like this. Remind me to thank them for this because it was much need."

Tavia stand on the balcony of our suite and just looks out at the city. "London this is a beautiful place I can't wait until we get out shop, eat, and party." "I bet it looks better at night how about once we get settled, we go out. I found this nice spot they say it a popular place and the music be on point." Tavia looks at me and Lori for an agreement.

Of course, Lori was down, I was a little hesitant, but I agree. Hi, it's not like I have to study or anything but there is the thing of the parental that I have to go through.

"Sure, that fine with me y'all know I have to talk to mom first." They roll their eyes and look at each other. "She gonna be ok with it, it just about letting her know the 5W, we all know the rules. Plus, we're in another country so it's only right."They nod and say ok.

Once we unpack, we decide to relax and plan our night. I was still kinda jet lagged and didn't really wanna do anything, but it won't hurt to get out and explore the city, plus I like dancing. I walked out of my room and downstairs to the living room and sat on the couch for a while just to think because we weren't leaving for two hours, and I wanted to talk to my parents before we left. I had to let them know what was going on just so they wouldn't worry. Even though I am 21 I still check with them and give them a heads up on my plans because I know they worry, but they try to give me a little freedom as an adult. I know you're saying shit you grown but that doesn't mean anything to them the pay my way for everything because of course I don't have a job, so I have to at least let them have a little lead way. They're not strict or anything just very overprotective and they have their reasons, so I don't fight them on it one day I'll be able to live life for me fully.

I walk out our suite and next door to theirs and knock. My mom opens the door and smile and says, "Hi baby what are you doing over here, I just knew you and the girls were sitting out by the pool.

I looks at her and smile, "actually......they wanted to hit this dance club together and I kinda wanna go with them.

She turns and walk over to the kitchen table and have a sit. She looks at me and asks, "so what the name of this club and why does it have to be tonight?"

I reply, "it's called XOYO and we just wanna see the city tonight we promise to be careful and not stay out all night plus you can send Kai with us. Kai was my next to older brother. We'll get to know brothers a little more later but usually me making a deal does the trick. She looks at me and laughs because she already knows my antics when I want my way. She caved in. See not strict but overprotective.

"Tima," my mom speaks "make sure that location is on at all times be safe, responsible and don't have me come looking for y'all okay, Ok!?"

I smile and nod before I make my way out their suite back to my own to get ready. We get ready I decided on a black cut out crisscross halter jumper made to fit my curves and move when I move. And my black YSL heels, yes, I dance in heels. I didn't want to do too much. Just something comfortable where I can move to the music and still look sexy at the same time. I throw my locs in a bun, so they won't be in the way because I know what I was going to do. Lori had on a black off the shoulder mesh glitter crop top and ruched trousers showing more skin and Tavia had on some black tights and a black crop top and some panda high top dunks. It was giving we some bad bitches from the Atl.

"Damn it nice in here and there are plenty of niggas on the dance floor." Lori turns around and gives me a body roll as she talks about the dance club XOYO we decided to hit up tonight.

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