Standing On Business

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July 18th 2023

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July 18th 2023

Today was Wednesday and they had 3 weeks before the competition and 4 days before Fatima's birthday. She hasn't been to her room since the argument between her and her mom and she had yet to talk to her mom but she has been blowing up her phone. Today she and Zac were meeting with her dad who had just made it back to celebrate her birthday with her then they would be leaving back out. Zac planned a big surprise trip planned for them but he wanted to make sure he told her father first. At first he wasn't going to but since it winced like he might give him a chance he figured why not. Que was still hanging around. He popped up at one of the practices begging Fatima to talk to him; she declined but Zac told her to handle him before he did.

7:30 am Zac room......

"Shit...... wait Zac..." Fatima moans as Zac enters two fingers going in and out of her. She woke up this morning and decided she wanted to toy with him in his sleep. She had him screaming like a little girl so he decided to return the favor.

"I feel you gorgeous cum for me." Zac said, placing his mouth on her clit. He had been delivering the best head for 10 mins now and this was her 3rd time about to cum. "Ummm.... Baby I'm cumin."

"Let it out, I wanna taste it all." With that she exploded in his mouth. Shake and release everything she had to give him. She laid there trying to catch her breath. Zac started kissing up her stomach til he got to her lips allowing her to taste herself. He rolled over and  pulled her into his arms as they listened to their heart beat to the same rhythm. They eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

I woke up feeling around for Zac but he wasn't in bed

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I woke up feeling around for Zac but he wasn't in bed. I looked on the nightstand where my phone was lighting up letting me know I was receiving a phone call when I looked it was my mom. I haven't talked to her but I knew I had to face her. Today we were going to meet with them before our practice. I looked up and heard Zac walking back into the room with a smoothie and a flower in his hand. I smile because this one always finds a way to surprise me. "Good morning, gorgeous." He said as he passé me and tried to kiss me. And I moved out the way before his lips connected to mine.

"Hey why do you do that?" I looked at him and poked my lip out pouting playfully like I was mad at him. "Cause you left me and didn't tell me you were gone." He looked at me and shook his head.

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