Chapter 12: Not Today

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Fatima walks up to Zac and give him a hug while he kisses her on her cheek. He really wanted to kiss her on her lips again, but he wants for her to make the first move this time. He didn't wanna seem like he was pushing it. He led her to her seat which was seating next to him. Everyone had their mate seating next to them. They were waiting on Cam and Jasmine before they preceded to order anything. "Hey Precioso, how is your day so far?" Zac asked Fatima.

Fatima decided that she would speak in a different language since he was always speaking it to her plus, she loves the way it rolled off his tongue. "Mi día ha sido bueno, guapo, ¿y tú?" ("My day has been good handsome, how about you?")

"Mi día siempre es bueno una vez que te veo". ("My day is alway good once I see you.")

"Me alegro de poder alegrarte el día, cariño". ("Glad I can make your day honey.") They were seating at the table in their own world flirting back and forth in Spanish until Cam and Jasmine walked up. "Hey everybody this is Jasmine." Everyone spoke to Jasmine even Lori. The waiter comes out and gets everyone's drink. When she walked away Cam spoke again, "I know everyone at this table but Lori's date, what's your name my guy.

"Oh, my name is Jaden, I am in the class with y'all." Jaden speaks.

"Oh, yeah you the one who can't lift real......Cam that's not what we're doing!" Lori speaks trying not to get upset.

"What exactly am I doing Lori?"

"You know what nothing just watch it!"

"Really Cam, why you are being stupid, we talked about this." Zac says to Cam.

"I am Just making conversation that's all."

"So, Fatima, what brought y'all to London?" Jasmine asked trying to lessen the mood because Cam was pissing Lori off, and she could see it. She figured they use to have something going on cause of the cold shoulder they gave each other when he first spoke.

"Just a summer break from college, you know to clear our heads after a first tough year." Fatima says without giving up too much information.

"Oh, that's kinda cool. What's your major if you don't mind me asking.

"Oh well I don't and its Business and Dance. I am a double major."

"Wow! That must be really hard to manage, I could barely keep up with the one major I have."

"What's that may I ask?"

"I wanna be a teacher actually, but I love dancing, it something I did a lot as a kid."

"That's right Zac did say you a dancer, what kinda dance you do?" Lori asked.

"I do mostly hip hop, but I love ballet."

"May I ask, what is it that you are majoring in Lori?"

"I'm going to school for nursing to help people you know clean up the bloody stuff that happens, help people get better."

"Oh, that's nice we can never have enough nurses in the world."

"So, Jasmine if you don't mind me asking when you first met Cam?" Tavia asked being messy and the girls were there for it.

"Oh, we met last week at a pool hall. Me and my friends were there. I think you seen my friends when we were at the class that day, but we were there, and they were shooting pool. We started talking having a conversation with them and hit it off and we've just been talking since then."

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