Chapter 6: Giving In

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Fatima POV

It's been a week since we were at the restaurant with Zac and his boys. My mother coming in the way that she did really got under my skin but that's my mother. I couldn't just avoid talking to her even though I am very stubborn, and I could, I just don't have the energy for all that. The conversation she wanted to have was pointless, so I'll save y'all the brain space and memory for that conversation, but I will tell y'all that she won't be here over the next couple of weeks. Thank God for having to go home and handle business! I bet you wondering who my parents are and what they do for a living. And why they have to be all in my business. My father's name is Ricardo Wilson and my mother's name is Latoya Wilson. Well, my dad is the Governor of Georgia. Yep, you heard it right, but he is also hiding behind the biggest Mafia Family there was. So yep, upholding an image is a must in my family. Even though we belong to a Mafia family we don't engage like that because of my father's status. My grandfather is still running the show alongside my brother Kaz. You're wondering how that can be well Money is King. My father is powerful, but my grandfather is a beast he got the most powerful man in his pocket and not God. But that's enough about them back to the topic at hand.

We were headed to our Mambo class. Ever since my mom did what she did Zac has kinda been avoiding me. I am not mad though because I have been kinda doing the same. As soon as we finish, I would leave me and Lori. We all know her reason for leaving but Tavia would stay behind. Her and Jake have been spending time together. We get to class; we are the first there, so we prepare for class. They guys walk in, and Zac looks at me but quickly turns away. I am not gonna lie it kinda stings a little because in the beginning he couldn't stop, I think my mom might have scared him off but it's ok. I am not looking for anything anyways. While I was in my thoughts Tavia taps me and said, "so are you gonna ever talk to Zac?"

"Why should I he's been avoiding me and plus I told you guys I wasn't interested right now. I have too much on my plate." I figured after my mom popped up it was a sign to just let it be.

"Well, you might wanna think about cause Jake tells me you're all he talks about." Tavia says.

"Really, I mean it doesn't matter and besides he hasn't said anything to me. And that's a good thing."

"Really!" Lori mocks me and laughs, for someone who is not interested your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when you said that. Look you think much into it. I know you have to think about it because of mom and dad (yes, they call them mom and dad as they should, they have been around forever) but you have to live your own life."

"Let me ask y'all something?" I look at them and speak, "why is it so important, I mean I don't know him, and we know what my life holds. I don't want my mom and dad trying to judge him and embarrass him because of who he may be. And even more we know that there is a whole lot to unfold with the Wilson Family! What if we scary him away once he finds out?"

Tavia speaks, "trust me we understand but we also know that you can't forever let them have that as a hold over you. Hell, you let Que in, and he wasn't even worth it but like I said I get it." But you are so scary sometimes."

"Yeah, Tima they can't forever run your life, you're grown, and you know how to hold your own." Lori says.

"So, it's jump on Tima day I see, like y'all are any different. We live the same life. Tavia, you want even try to settle down with one guy because of our family and Lori you're just as deep in as us you hide Cam from us forever because of this. But I get the lecture why? And Fuck Que we see where that went and that was a waste of three years." I say trying to end the conversation.

"Wait now I will settle down I just haven't found the guy worthy that's all. I am not afraid of our family. They just have to except what I want same for you."

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