Chapter 11: Really Real

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Fatima's POV

"You're so beautiful to me, ugh

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"You're so beautiful to me, ugh.... Was all I could say as another orgasm was hitting me hard, as Zac talked me through it. "Let it out gorgeous, oh god, I'm cumin......Shit, I say as I jump up out of my sleep from the second dream that I was having tonight of Zac. He was fulfilling me in ways I didn't think was possible in a dream. I set there for a minute before I found my hands rubbing my clit. I figured it was the only way to get it out since I knew I wasn't going that route any time soon. I start rubbing my clit in a circular motion before entering two fingers going in and out. Thinking of all the thing he's was doing to me in my dream. "Damn" as I close my eyes picturing him kissing up and down my body taking each nipple into his mouth softly teasing them with his teeth and tongue. He was moving down my stomach to my belly button but before he could make it to my sweet spot, I was messing up my sheets. "Damn all this and it only a thought," I say to myself. I got up to get myself cleaned up. I hopped in the shower, got out and changed the sheets. I laid back down hoping I could sleep without Zac interrupting my dreams again.

My phone goes off waking me up out of my sleep. I looked at it and roll my eyes. It was my mother at 7am in the morning. "What the hell could she possibly want this early." I rolled over an answer my phone. "Yes mother?" I say with an attitude.

"Well good morning to you too baby. How is everything going?"

"It's ok mom, is something wrong," I asked cause why the hell is she calling so early.

"No baby I just wanted to check on you and to let you know that we'll be here until middle of July. I don't know if we will make it in time for your birthday, but you know we got you sweetie."

"Yes mom, its ok. I have the girls here and I know you and daddy will always come through so it's no big deal."

"Ok, sweetie I love you. Let me go help your father you know how helpless he is without me."

Ok, I love you too mom." I say rolling my eyes because she could've called later in the day to tell me that. At first, I thought she knew about me leaving last night. But she just wants to be her annoying old self with her bald head ass.

I lay back down and my phones pings again, this time I wasn't mad it was Zac texting me. I smiled hard and replied.

Today 7:35 am

Buenos días, preciosa

Good morning handsome.

How is your morning going so far?

It's ok still a little tired that's all

Did I wake you? 😟

No, my mom annoying ass did😒

Oh, I am so sorry Diosa, I was trying too
see if we could meet later? I wanna talk to you about something.

Yeah, we can do that, just let me know or better yet how about breakfast?

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