Chapter 3: Morning After

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Zac's POV

Damn I have never felt anything like I felt last night. I sit up in my bed and think about last night. It was like a dream. How can a women move so perfectly. And she just disappears. After dancing on the goddess last night, that's what I have to call her because I never got her name or really even just got a good look at her, I was so deep into the dance that I wasn't concern about any of that. Just the way she was moving had me hypnotized. I looked around the club a little bit to see if I could find her, but if you have been to a club before, you know that's pointless because it alway dark and too crowded. Thoughts of her consumed my sleep but in a good way.  I had to get up and take me a shower in the middle of the night because like I said she was all I dreamed about, and we'll let just say it was a happy ending and I don't even know what she looks like.

My alarm goes off knocking me out of my daydream because it was time for me to meet with my boss. We had to go over something before my first class. I am teaching different type of classes. My first class is for the older people. It's called Ballroom Dancing. I teach this class twice also for the younger crowd. My third class is hip hop for the kids and teens, this is also my fourth class. My last class is the Mambo. I only teach this class M,T,F. It a flashy ballroom dance with lifts, turns, and a lot of body grinding. Yep, one of my favorites, besides hip hop.

I get in the shower again and do my morning routine. Once I finish, I put on a pair of sweats and my dancing shoes and walk out my room. Jake is sitting on the couch with a smile on his face texting someone. I look at his and sit beside him before asking "What are you smiling so hard for Jake?"

"Man, I got this fine ass girl number last night on the way back from the restroom. I mean she was everything. We bumped into each other, and it was a connection. I couldn't leave and not ask for her number."

Cam looks up from the refrigerator and asked him "how you know what she looks like it was dark in there. I could barely see what most of-qpthem girls look like on that dance floor. You mess around and get a boogie-bear number then what?"

"First off, we ran into each other twice once on the dance floor. And the second time she was at the bar when I was getting me another drink. I ask for her number then old hating ass nigga. You the only one getting boogie-bear numbers. You better hope that women you were on wasn't a dude it looked a little muscular." And I could've sworn I saw Lori that's who you need to be worried about."

"Man cap you just talking Lori not here and let me see shorty I know you looked her up."

I was rolling at Jake and Cam argument. They were going back and forth until Cam asked me about shorty. I mean I had nothing to give him not even a name.

"Man listen I don't know she left so fast after I couldn't catch her again, so I just gave up." If it's meant to be then it will happen again. I have never wanted a person so bad in my life I hope I see her again.

We get up and head out the door to this local place to get a smoothie before we head in. I talked my boss into letting the guys help me with my classes. They weren't gonna teach dance in all my classes with me because they don't know too much about some of the dances. So, they will fill in as dance partners where needed, but they know hip hop, so they'll help teach that class. My boss offered them a sub pay and credit for their class after reaching out to the dean and they agreed. We head to the resort and get everything set up to prepare for the first class. They started coming in. It was a lot of older couples, like grandma and grandpa older, trying to get their grove back. They were trying their best a lot of them had it. I mean as they should they've been here long enough. There was one old lady who husband didn't make it so I made Cam her partner. He was upset. She kept touching his butt and we weren't even slow dancing. Me and Jake was dying laughing.

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