Chapter 16: Am I Ready

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Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Karma' POV

I walked into my spot because I wanted to hear my girl do her thing on the stage. My girl was one of the best poets here. She got up there and did her thing. I love the Poetry Cafe. It has a vibe that many people love to visit. As I was sitting there, I noticed that Zac was sitting at one of the tables looking towards the stage. I was wondering what he was looking at but then she started talking. "Damn so this nigga really with this bitch." I said to myself, but my friend heard me.

"So that's the nigga you been talking about?"  My friend asked me, looking at me sideways. I ignored her because I was trying to figure out what that bitch was finna do then she started singing. I looked to my left and my friend was dancing and singing along with her. "What bitch, she got a voice you know I ain't no hater, But the girl got a voice on her." I roll my eyes at her because don't nobody cares. "She's ok!" I don't care about that girl for all I care is that she can disappear. Ion understands how he acts like he was feeling me at first and now it's like she is the only thing he sees. In the middle of me thinking to myself I hear her call Zac to the stage to help her sing. This nigga really finna get on this stage and sing with her I can't believe this. I look at them and shake my head. I had heard enough. I got up to walk out but something in me decided to turn around and make myself known. Once they got off the stage, I walked over to them and spoke. "Where are you going?"  my friend asked as she saw me heading their way.

"I am going to speak!"

"Karma don't embarrass yourself; the man is clearly not interested in you. Please just let it go. I wasn't trying to hear shit my friend was saying I walked over to them and cleared my throat, interrupting their moment.

"If it isn't the couple who isn't a couple!"

"Karma if you don't mind, we are busy can you please just go about your business. We don't want any problems tonight."

"I see you out with your girl all trying to be all lovie dovie but she is not your woman right. Shit make it make sense is that your nigga or nah."

"Karma sweetie...... Don't call me sweetie!"

"Sweetie like I said, if you don't move along, the bitch that you are trying to bring out will surface. I have warned you multiple times. I AM NOT THE ONE TO BE FUCKED WITH!" See when this bitch got loud, I wanted to slap her, but I had to keep it cute because I am a classic girl, and this was my friend's place, so I didn't wanna destroy her place.

"So, you getting loud is supposed to scare me. You are not important here, maybe where you are from but not here. I run these streets and what I want I get so watch out a Bitch!" As she was about to jump up Zac grabbed her.

"No, let her go because I wish this bitch would!"

"Baby look at me, she is not worth it plus she looks like the type of bitch that press charges. Let's just go."

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