Tap - Emma x reader (Ridonculous race)

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Setting: A picnic
Note: Since there are two Emmas in the TD universe now, I'll start labeling which Emma I'm writing about in the oneshot title :)

You and Emma were having a picnic at the park, and Emma was focused on reading a law book, while you were eating a sandwich. You decide to playfully distract her since she was always so focused.

Emma was engrossed in a particularly complex case when she felt a tap on her back. She glanced around, but you were still eating your sandwich, not paying attention to her. Emma shrugged, figuring it must have been a stray breeze or a bug, and went back to her book.

A few minutes later, she felt the tap again. This time, she turned around swiftly to catch you suppressing a chuckle, your eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Y/N!" Emma exclaimed, pretending to be annoyed, but her smile betrayed her. You bursts out laughing, the sound echoing through the park.

"I'm sorry, Em." You said, struggling to stifle your giggles. "I couldn't resist."

Emma laughed along. "You're ridiculous," She said, reaching out to affectionately ruffle your hair.

You grinned, your giggles subsiding. "That's why you love me."

Emma shook her head, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Yes, it is." She pulled you closer and planted a soft kiss on your forehead.

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