Giant teddy bear - Tyler x reader

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Requested by: Starzynev
Setting: Shared home

Tyler was secretly always a sucker for romance, so he decided to surprise you with a giant seven foot teddy bear when you came home from work. At first, he thought a giant bear was silly, but his ex girlfriend Lindsay, who he was still on good terms with, gave him advice that you would love it.

You arrived home from work, entering the living room when you saw a trail of rose petals leading to a massive gift wrapped in colorful paper. Your followed the trail, wondering what could be inside. You laughed as you spot Tyler standing beside the enormous gift.

"Hey, babe!" Tyler exclaimed. "I got you something special!"

Your eyes widened in surprise and joy. "Tyler, what on earth is this?"

Tyler unveiled the gift, revealing an enormous teddy bear that towered over him. It was seven feet tall and Tyler was around 6'0. It was an amusing sight.

"Damn!" You laughed, walking up to the bear. "Tyler, this is amazing!"

You tried to lift the gigantic teddy bear but you realized that its size is no match for your strength. You struggled in concentration, but it remained firmly on the ground. Tyler watched you with a mix of amusement and concern.

"Let me help you, Y/N," He says, attempting to come to your rescue. However, the bear ended up making him lose his balance.

"Tyler!" You laughed, rushing to his side. "Are you okay?"

He groaned playfully, rubbing his sore back. "I'm fine, babe. Just a little bruised pride, that's all."

You extended a helping hand, and he takes it gratefully, pulling himself up with a sheepish smile.

"I guess we underestimated the bear," Tyler chuckled, his voice filled with genuine amusement. "But hey, at least it brought us a good laugh!"

"Yeah." You agreed, wrapping your arms around him. "Thank you for the incredible surprise and for always making me smile."

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