Topple - Noah x reader

826 15 18

Requested by: MadalynHyde5
Setting: Noah's house

You leaned against Noah, snuggling into his side, and then with a giggle, you tried to topple him off the bed by leaning forcefully against his side over and over. Because Noah was much taller than you, he didn't budge. He looked down at you, smirking at your antics.

"Really, Y/N? You think you could tip me over?" He teased, his voice filled with amusement.

"Come on!" You whined playfully, nudging him again.  You kept leaning against his side, attempting to push him off the bed. Noah still didn't budge.

Noah laughed and instead held you closer to him, planting a soft kiss on top of your head.

"You're going to have to try harder than that," He said, cuddling you closer to his chest. You inhaled his scent, smiling at the comfort he always brought you.

You looked up at him with a slight blush then leaned in and pecked Noah's cheek.

A small smile spread across Noah's face. "Alright, alright, you win," He murmured, making you giggle. He ruffled your hair playfully.

The faint blush on your cheeks deepened and you hid your face in his chest. Noah just chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead again. "You're so cute, Y/N."

The playful banter had turned into a sweet, comfortable silence. You knew you didn't want to be anywhere else but with him.

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