Surf! - Geoff x reader

302 9 4

Requested by: MadalynHyde5
Setting: The beach

Geoff had been begging to teach you to search since you've first started dating a few months ago, so today, you decided to take a chance. He was more than thrilled about it.

As you both headed to the beach, Geoff handed you a bright blue surfboard and gave you a quick tutorial on the basics. He stood on the shore, encouraging you to give it a try.

"You got this, baby!"

You took a deep breath and paddle out, but as soon as you attempted to stand up, you lost your balance and fell into the water. Geoff rushed over, quickly helping you up.

"Hey, no worries, Y/N! It takes time to get the hang of it." He says, helping you back onto your board.

You tried again, and again, and again. However, each time, you ended up splashing into the waves, feeling more and more embarrassed. It was a good thing Geoff didn't make it more embarrassing than it really was.

Finally, you managed to stay on your board for a few seconds before losing your balance once more. Just as you were about to express your frustration, Geoff gently took your hand and pulling you closer to him.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself," He says softly, his eyes meeting yours. "You're doing great, Y/N."

Geoff leaned in and kissed you, catching you completely by surprise. You felt your heart flutter with love at your sweet and caring surfer boyfriend.

After a little bit, Geoff pulled away with a playful laugh, causing you to blush even more. "Okay, okay, enough of that," He teased. "Back to the lesson! You've got this!"

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