Lindsay's modeling disaster - Justin x reader

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Requested by: Satebrsahe
Setting: Justin's house, after TD

You and Justin were at his house, chatting about the former contestants in Total Drama, since the show ended years ago. Apparently, Heather is still with Alejandro and she's become 'Nicer,' Beth is still ugly and Noah is in another reality show with Owen.

"Y/N, have you heard the latest gossip about Lindsay?" Justin asked in amusement.

"No, what happened this time?" You asked, knowing Lindsay has a tendency to get into the dumbest things.

"Well," Justin began, his voice filled with mock seriousness, "Apparently, Lindsay had a modeling gig, and things didn't go exactly as planned."

You stifled a laugh, already anticipating the ridiculousness that was about to unfold. "What happened? Did she trip on the runway?"

"Even better," Justin chuckled. "She decided to get a spray tan before the photoshoot, but, uh, let's just say it didn't turn out as evenly as she hoped."

You burst into laughter, picturing Lindsay with unevenly tanned skin. "Oh no! Poor Lindsay! I can only imagine the look on her face when she saw herself."

Justin nodded, grinning mischievously. "Exactly! She had these dark patches in some places, and in others, it was barely there. It was like she had a map of continents on her body!"

"You're so mean!" You exclaimed, playfully nudging him.

Justin winked, "Hey, I'm just being honest!"

You both bursted into fits of laughter, clutching your sides.

It was moments like these that made your relationship with Justin so special, the ability to share laughter and joy in the simplest of things.

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