Ice skating - Mal x reader

540 18 13

Requested by: Cll0udy
Setting: Ice rink

You and Mal have decided to go ice skating together. It's a chilly winter day, and the rink was filled with laughter.

"Y/N, I don't know about this. I fucking suck." Mal told you bluntly.

You giggled, "Mal, I thought you were adventurous."

Mal sighed, "I know, but this is going to be humiliating."

"Let's try at least, okay?"


You and Mal stepped onto the ice, ready to conquer the frozen surface. You glided smoothly and effortlessly across the rink, but poor Mal took a few wobbly steps, his arms flailing for balance before landing on his bottom with a soft thud.

You rushed over to help him up. "Are you okay, Mal?" You ask, trying to suppress your laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," He mumbled, brushing off the snow from his pants. However, as he tried to stand up again, he lost his balance once more and landed on the ice with an exaggerated "Oomph!"

This time, you burst into laughter, unable to contain your amusement. The more Mal fell, the funnier it became. His frustration started to show, and you noticed him muttering curses under his breath, clearly embarrassed by his lack of coordination on the ice.

"Goddamnit!" He mumbled, then fell again.

You suppressed a smile, "Hey, it's okay, Mal. Ice skating isn't easy for everyone, but you're doing great. Just take it slow."

Mal nodded, blushing slightly. "Thanks Y/N. I guess I'm just not cut out for this ice stuff."

"Well, maybe we can try something else together next time. Something we both enjoy," You suggest, skating alongside him as he gained more confidence in his movements.

"Can we blow up the rink and ban ice skating?"


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