Dismissive comment - Justin x smart!reader

429 12 13

Requested by: Bella_Lover69
Setting: TDA

You and Justin were on a plane in the studio, along with Lindsay and Beth and the plane was about to crash. Beth calculated the approximate distance between the plane and the ground.

Justin replied, "I wouldn't know! Math is for ugly people."

As panic filled the plane, you swiftly took charge of the situation, your mind focused on finding a solution. You realized there was no time for hesitation.

Ignoring Justin's comment about math, you quickly reached out to Beth, offering your assistance. "Beth, I can help you with the calculations. We need to determine the distance between the plane and the ground as accurately as possible. Let's work together on this."

Beth nodded eagerly, handing you a pen and paper. The urgency of the situation fueled your concentration as you began analyzing the available data, including the plane's altitude and the time it took for the plane to fall down.

You worked through the calculations, factoring in variables such as air resistance and force. The plane fell silent as your focus intensified.

Justin watched you in admiration, realizing his comment was so uncalled for. You could be smart and beautiful at the same time.

"I apologize for my earlier comment," Justin admitted, sheepishly. "You are incredibly intelligent and resourceful. Thank you for stepping in and helping us."

You smiled, "Math is a valuable tool that helps us understand and solve complex problems. It's not about appearance, it's about using our minds to find solutions."

Justin nodded, taking in your words. "I will remember that next time. Your intelligence and quick thinking are meaningful."

You offered him a reassuring smile, appreciating his willingness to acknowledge his mistake. Soon, the tension from earlier started to disappear.

While the road to a romantic connection between you and Justin might not have been immediate, the seeds of friendship and understanding were planted that day for a deeper connection in the future.

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