Sweep him off his feet - Noah x tall!reader

649 12 29

Requested by: Haahimlost
Setting: A city
Note - I think Noah is 5'9 according to Reddit, but I could be wrong. Let's pretend for this scenario.

You and Noah have recently started dating. You have always been taller than him, standing at (Height) while he stood at 5'9.

You both decided to go for a walk around the city together to explore, while getting to know each other more. As you walked together, Noah seemed a bit flustered by the height difference. He tried to play it cool, pretending it didn't bother him, but you can see a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks.

You tilted your head and gave him an affectionate smile, sensing his unease. "Hey, Noah, is everything okay?"

He cleared his throat, his gaze shifting towards the ground. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just... you're tall. Really tall. And I'm... well, not so tall," He stammered, his words stumbling over each other.

You chuckled softly at his adorable nervousness. You reached out and lifted his chin, meeting his eyes. "Noah, it doesn't matter to me. I like you for who you are, not your height."

Noah smiled in relief, a bit embarrassed for being flustered. "Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate that."

You wrapped your arms around him and his head rested against your chest. You felt his tension melt away and you smiled.

When you pulled away, you noticed he was still blushing. You laughed, "Noah, why are you still blushing?"

Noah blushed and once again got flustered, "I can't help it, Y/N. You're beautiful."

You chuckled, carefully lifting him in your arms, causing him to let out a surprised gasp. You poked his nose and said, "Maybe I just have a knack of sweeping you off your feet."

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