Shopping list - Gwen x Courtney

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Requested by: MyDogIsAdoofus
Setting: A grocery store

Courtney and Gwen were going grocery shopping together since they recently moved in together in a shared house.

Courtney had prepared a detailed shopping list to ensure they wouldn't forget anything. However, to her dismay, as they approached the entrance of the store, Courtney noticed that Gwen had forgotten the shopping list at home when she gave it to Gwen to hold onto. Irritation started to bubble up inside Courtney, and she let out a deep sigh.

Gwen sensed Courtney's frustration and immediately realized her mistake. She turned to Courtney with a sheepish grin and said, "Oops, my bad. Looks like I left the list on the kitchen counter. Sorry, babe."

Courtney crossed her arms, pouting slightly, but deep down, she couldn't stay mad at Gwen for long. She flashed a mischievous smile, "Well, since you forgot the list, Gwen, you're in charge of remembering everything we need. Consider it a test of your memory skills."

Gwen raised an eyebrow playfully and accepted the challenge. She tried her best to recall each item they planned to get. To Courtney's amusement, Gwen would occasionally mix up the names or forget a few things.

"Cookie dough! I mean, cinnamon rolls?" Gwen asked, blushing.

Courtney laughed then kissed her girlfriend's cheek, "No silly! Chocolate cake batter!"

Gwen blushed even harder and Courtney couldn't resist pulling her into a kiss. Soon, they pulled away, realizing they were in a crowded aisle.

"Let's keep moving, my forgetful imbecile." Courtney teased, nudging Gwen playfully.

Gwen chuckled, "Okay, next time I won't forget!"

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