Professional boundaries - Emma x reader (The Ridonculous Race)

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Requested by: -bymblebee-
Setting: Emma's office

You've always been a firm believer in being professional, especially when it comes to legal matters, which is why, when you find yourself in need of legal advice, you seek out the best lawyer you could afford. That's how you ended up sitting across from Emma, your attorney. From the moment you walked into her office, you already found her attractive. You just couldn't help it. 

"Let's go over the details once more, Y/N," Emma stated.

You nodded, trying to keep your mind on the case at hand. As you explained the situation, you caught Emma's gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary. You told yourself it's just a coincidence, but then she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and your heart skipped a beat.

"So, based on what you've told me, I think we have a strong argument for..." Emma started, but she trailed off, then blushed and she realizes she's flustered.

"Are you okay?" You asked with a small smile.

"Yes, sorry," She quickly recovered, "Just thinking about the best approach to your case." 

As you leaned forward to look at a document she's pointing to, your hand accidentally brushed against hers. The contact is brief, but it sends a jolt through you both. You looked up, and for a split second, your eyes lock. There's an unspoken understanding, a recognition of the attraction between you.

Emma cleared her throat and pulled her hand back, "We should focus on the legal strategy." 

"Of course," You replied, but the atmosphere in the room has shifted.

You spend the next hour discussing the ins and outs of your situation, but the undercurrent of mutual attraction remained. It's distracting yet exciting. Your case is in capable hands, that much is clear, but as you left Emma's office, you can't help but wonder about the possibilities beyond the professional boundary. 

You were hiring a lawyer, not looking for love, but sometimes life has a curious way of presenting unexpected opportunities. Emma's lingering gaze burned in your memory and you can't quite shake the feeling that this case might just have opened the door to something more.

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