Forts - Poly!Wayne x reader x Zee FLUFF

401 12 3

Requested by: StephanieAjasa
Setting: Adulthood

"There." You chuckled, handing Wayne a bandaid. He had tripped and fell outside once again, as an attempt to play hockey.

Wayne gratefully took the bandaid from you, "Thank you, Y/N!"

Zee nodded, opening a can of orange soda. "Radical, Y/N. You're always taking care of us."

You smiled, taking a seat next to them. "I'm just making sure you two don't hurt yourselves. You can be pretty chaotic."

"We're not chaotic!" Wayne whined, playfully. "We're just.. Mischievous."

"Chaotic." You corrected. "You both always get into trouble."

"How about we do something we all can do together that's safe?" Wayne asked, mischievously.

You giggled, "What do you have in mind that can possibly be safe?"


You stood up from the couch, "How about we make a fort?"

Zee and Wayne exclaimed in unison, "Yeah!"

As the three of you eagerly agreed on building a fort, you quickly gathered blankets, pillows, and chairs from around the room. The living room soon turned into a construction site as you arranged furniture and draped blankets over them, creating a cozy hideaway.

Zee and Wayne worked together, their mischievous energy transformed into a collaborative effort. They giggled and playfully argued over the best way to arrange the pillows, while you supervised the construction, making sure everything was sturdy and safe.

"They're so stupid." You chuckled to yourself, watching them mismatch the furniture.

After some time, the fort stood tall, with multiple layers of blankets and pillows forming its walls. You all crawled inside, snuggling together.

Zee plopped down on a pile of pillows, grinning. "This is amazing! We should do this more often."

Wayne joined in, flopping onto the blankets. "Yeah, it's like our own little fortress."

You settled in beside them, crossing your legs and leaning against a cushion. "I love moments like this, just the three of us together, enjoying each other's company."

Zee reached out, intertwining their fingers with yours. "Me too. It feels so comforting to have both of you in my life."

Wayne snuggled closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder. "I couldn't agree more. You two mean everything to me."

You leaned your head against Wayne's and squeezed Zee's hand gently. "I feel the same way. I'm grateful every day that we found each other."

You all continued to whisper sweet nothings, shared laughter, and stories. The fort became a symbol of your love, a sanctuary where you could escape from the chaos of the world and just protect each other.

Soon, the three of you eventually drifted off to sleep inside the fort, feeling safe, loved, and content in each other's arms.

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