Hold me - Shawn x anxious!reader

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Requested by: Starfire-robin
Setting: Shawn's house

You jolted awake, hearing the sounds of tapping and thudding from outside of Shawn's house. Your anxiety started creeping in and you began to think of the worst case scenarios. 

You never believed in the possibility that zombies were real, but what if Shawn was right? What if the sounds you were hearing were zombies? Sometimes, things just start to get into your head. After all, you did spend a little too much time doing zombie hunting with Shawn.

"Shawn." You whispered, lightly tapping his shoulder to wake him up. "I heard noises outside."

Shawn's eyes immediately fluttered open. "Babe, what?"

"Noises.. I think.. I think they're-"

"Zombies!" Shawn exclaimed, then pulled you into his arms. He was tense and you could tell he was afraid too. 

You and Shawn stayed like that for the next hour, holding each other, not wanting to move due to fear. Before you knew it, you felt your eyelids grow heavy and the only thing you heard was the sound of Shawn's heartbeat as you laid against his chest, and the light rain from outside. Shawn's scent and his heartbeat, with his arms around you, lured you to eventually sleep.

"Y/N, We can't sleep. The zombies!" Shawn whispered, but eventually let out a yawn. To his dismay, he fell asleep too. 

You and Shawn may have not caught any zombies for sure that night, but you both experienced the joy in just being in each other's arms. That was more meaningful than a random zombie hunting adventure. 

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