Disney movies - Sky x Ella

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Requested by: IExistpossibly
Setting: Sky and Ella's apartment

Sky and Ella snuggled up on the couch, surrounded by fluffy pillows and a lot of blankets. It was Ella's idea to binge watch Disney movies and Sky agreed, knowing how enthusiastic her girlfriend is about them.

"Okay, let's start with 'Beauty and the Beast,'" Ella suggested, grabbing the remote and clicking play. The opening notes of the theme filled the room as Belle appeared on the screen, her adventures beginning to unfold.

Sky and Ella sang along to the catchy tunes and laughed. Whenever a romantic scene came on, they would steal glances at each other, leaning in for a sweet kiss.

After the movie ended, they turned to each other, ready to give their ratings. "I'd give it a solid 9," Sky chuckled.

Ella nodded in agreement. "I loved it too! I'd say 10. Now, let's watch 'Cinderella!'"

They watched and rated each princess movie, with mostly Ella singing to it. They discussed the scenes of each film, but in the end, they found joy in being together, surrounded by the magic of Disney.

By the time they reached the last movie, "The Little Mermaid," they were both feeling sleepy. As Ariel sang her heart out, Sky yawned and leaned her head on Ella's shoulder, smiling as Ella began singing along with Ariel.

Ella smiled and gently kissed the top of Sky's head. "I think this one deserves a perfect 10," She whispered.

Sky turned to look at Ella, her heart fluttering. "I think you're right."

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