Chapter 30

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Vlad waves to me from at his spot at a table. I rush over to him and smiled warmly.

"I'm guessing Shy went down easy?" I asked, smiling.

"Like a little champ. I'm surprised Dracula wasn't that easy as baby," Vlad replied, sighing heavily. "But those baby days are behind me. Can't keep it up like I used to."

I giggle softly and flashed him a smile.

"Please. You're in your prime! You've have grandchildren and maybe more great grandchildren. Anyway, By chance while you were sitting here have you seen Johnny?" I asked, over the sound of the music.

Vlad glanced towards the stage as he gestures in the direction of the stage.

"Apparently getting set up for his "big act" but I didn't stop him or question him either. Figured that's Dracula's job now that he's part of the family," Vlad replied, dryly. "For a human I think he's the dumbest one I've met. Mavis could've zinged someone better. Shame."

I forced a kind smile ignoring his comment and rushed away towards the stage. Suddenly I was stopped by Wanda and Wayne dancing. I flashed the two a large smile.

"Wanda! Wayne! Having a good time I see," I said, happily.

"Of course dear. Happy 125 years to the hotel," Wanda says happily. "And hopefully more!"

"What do you mean hopefully more?" I asked, raising a questioning brow.

"I'm guess Dracula hasn't told you?" Wanda says, frowning deeply.

"Wanda," Wayne warns. "It's not our place."

"Does it have something to do with the vampire council and why Dracula has been acting fishy since coming home?" I asked, glancing between the two.

"You're gonna have to ask him yourself, Ally. I only bits and pieces because it involves the whole monster council," Wayne explained. "My great grand is part of it."

I nodded slowly. I flash the two a reassuring smile,

"Don't worry. I'll talk to Drac. Thank you," I said, hoping to sound sincere. "Enjoy the dance."

Wayne and Wanda return the a smile before returning to their dancing. I moved on towards the stage. I went around back and spotted Johnny talking to Frank.

"There you are!" I gasped. "Dracula and Mavis are looking for you!"

Johnny turns and looks at me. He rushed over arms wide with a large grin on his face. He turns me away from Frank.

"Are they? I must've been practicing longer than I should've been. Oh well. Are they here yet? The party is just getting started! I can't wait for my big number," Johnny said, happily. "Do you think Dracula would like it? Everyone's been practicing really hard."

"Johnny," I said, grabbing his shoulders firmly making him face me. "Please don't do anything that will set Dracula off. I want this party to run smoothly. Please don't do anything that could the hotel and everyone in danger."

Johnny sighed heavily and bobs his head.

"Alright. I won't do anything stupid," Johnny agreed.

"Thank you, Johnny. I just want Dracula to relax for one night," I explained. "He's been stressed enough and over worked as is. Since coming back from the council. Please be understanding."

Johnny nods and I release my hold on him. I fix my dress and smiled softly.

"Knock them dead out there," I said. "I believe Dracula will be thrilled on whatever you have planned..."

Johnny grins and turns with a bounce in his step. My stomach twisted. Something was going to happen and I wasn't going to hear the end of it. I tried to shake off the feeling as I made my way towards an empty table. I took a seat as a zombie dressed in a waiters uniform with a tray waltzed over. I took a wine glass with deep red liquid off it.

"Thank you," I muttered.

The zombie made a noise then carried on his way. I took a gulp of the liquid. Blood tickled down my throat as I tried to calm my gut feeling. After two glasses Mavis showed up.

"Did you find Johnny?" She asked.

I nodded.

"He's around back practicing his big moment," I explained. "Apparently he lost track of time. I think this party has turned out great. Where is your father?"

"He's coming," She replied. "He went to check on Shy first. Between you and me he looks like he's been under a lot of stress. Do you know why?"

"I wonder why," I muttered, under my breath. "Thank you. I'll talk to him."

Mavis nods and rushes off. I sigh heavily and raise from my seat. I drop the empty glass off on a neighbouring zombie tray as I exited the large room. Once I stepped into the empty hallway I sniffed the air and followed the scent of Dracula. I found him in the garden. He was sitting alone on a stone bench. I smiled softly and walked towards him.

"Hello, honey. What are you doing out here? Is something wrong?" I said, sitting down next him.

"No," he replied. "I'm just thinking. This hotel. What is going to happen to it when I do.. you know?"

"It will be in good hands. Mavis knows what she is doing... I hope," I admitted, sheepishly. "Come and let's forget about it right now. The real party is about to start."

Dracula stands and helps me to my feet. He holds out his arm and I take it. We walk inside together and down to the grand hall. Everyone had already taken their seats and were being served drinks by the zombies. I spot Mavis sitting alone at a table. We make our way over. Dracula pulls out a chair and smiled softly.

"Thank you," I muttered, taking my seat.

Dracula sits on my right and Mavis on my left. Mavis was tapping her fingers nervously against the table. Dracula looked uneasy as he eyed the stage. I reach over and grab his hand. I gently squeeze it to reassure him. He glanced at our hands and then at me. He smiles softly and returns the gentle squeeze. He leans over slightly.

"I'm so glad I have you," he whispered.

A blush crept its way across my cheeks. I giggled softly.

"I am glad you didn't decide to go after the captain after all," I replied, teasing.

Dracula smiles. He squeezed my hand again.

"I was blind but you kept me on the true path," he replied. "Plus. I'm surprise you came back for me."

"There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you, My sweet moonlight," I whispered, stroking the back of his hand with my thumb.

"Oh, my cuddle bear," he purred, smiling softly.

Mavis clears her throat awkwardly. We pull apart embarrassed.

"It's about to start," Mavis announced, gesturing towards the stage.

We glance at each other then at the stage. Dracula shifts again in his chair.

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