Chapter 17

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Early the next day I rose before Dracula. It was only 5pm in the afternoon. Dracula doesn't get up until 6 or 8. I slipped out of bed and his arms. I went to the bathroom to get myself ready before I slipped downstairs for something to eat. My stomach growled. After getting some fresh meat into my system I went to go check on Dennis and his parents. Mavis was reading on the couch and Dennis was playing with his puppy. Jonathan was sitting at Mavis's feet watching a tv show.

"Well good evening everyone. How's it going?" I said, smiling softly.

Jonathan and Dennis greeted me warmly. Mavis muttered a soft hello still kinda not liking me.

"Grandma, can we go out in play?" Dennis asked.

"You have to ask your mother," I replied, booping his nose.

Dennis turned to his mother.

"Can I?" He asked, with puppy dog eyes.

"Only if grandma wants to?" Mavis replied.

"I don't mind at all," I replied.

Dennis jumps up and goes to get ready since it was going to be cool night. I grabbed the leash for the puppy and put it on his collar. I scratched the dog's side. He rolled over with enjoyment. Dennis returned and we all went out for a little fun. We played hide and seek in the woods until 6:25 then I returned Dennis inside with his pup. Dennis was all tuckered out from the game and so was the dog.

"They'll sleep great to night," I said, handing Dennis over to Mavis.

"That's good," Mavis replied, cradling her son. "Thanks for taking him out."

"You don't have to thank me," I replied.

I turned to leave.

"Wait," Mavis calls out.

I turned to look at her. She shifts uneasily.

"I'm sorry for being so rude towards you for the past few weeks.. It's just.. I was jealous of you taking up most of my dad's time. Usually he is always around me, Jonathan and Dennis. He was always super protective over me and even Dennis. I was so used to getting all his attention before that.. When you came I became jealous when he started to focus on you," Mavis says, softly.

"You don't have to apologize. I understand. It is a big adjustment for you and even for him. Don't worry. Maybe together we will take things slow and get to know each other better," I replied, reassuring her.

"I would like that," Mavis replied, smiling.

I smiled back.

"Take care, Mavis. Sleep well," I said.

Mavis nods and turns around heading inside. Pup in tow. I turned and walked down the hall. I sighed heavily and smiled to myself. I went to get a picture of Dracula's late wife, Martha. Once I found a small picture of her I quickly slipped away back to Dracula's chamber. I made sure he wasn't there before I got out my canvas and paints. I set the picture up and began to paint. I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly hide the picture and my canvas of Martha. I grabbed a blanket and started to paint a picture of a cat.

Dracula walked in and looked at me

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Dracula walked in and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" Dracula asks.

"Painting, I had nothing else planned today but I packed a small canvas before I left home with some paints. What do you think?"

He looked at the painting.

"It is stunning" He comments.

"Do not lie! I am horrible," I replied, waving my hand at him.

He catches it and shakes his head.

"Nonsense! I would hang this up in the lobby for all to see," He replied, smiling.

"Oh god! No!" I gasped, blushing with embarrassment at the thought.

Dracula chuckled and planted a kiss on his cheek. I smiled. Dracula pulls back slightly.

"I will be working late tonight with Mavis. We will be going over the wedding plans," Dracula explained. "Not ours. Ours aren't done yet."

"I know. We still don't have everything together," I said, looking at him. "I don't have a dress or brides maid gowns... I'm not ready for it at all."

Dracula nods. He smiles to himself.

"I better get back work," he says, rising.

"Alright. Be safe and don't get into trouble," I replied, smirking.

"When do I get into trouble?" Dracula asks.

He plants a kiss on my lips softly before taking his leave. Once I was sure he was gone I got back out the other painting and got back to work.

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