Chapter 20

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I felt the heat rise in my chest. I clutched my jaw. When Erika left Dracula turned back to me. A sheepish smile on lips but that smile soon vanished. I turned my head away from and quickly climbed out of the pool. I wrapped a towel around myself. It was given to me by the weird fish hybrid. I turned on my heel and stormed away back to my room. Dracula didn't bother coming after me either which made me angrier. I slammed the door closed and got changed.

When I left the room Mavis had found me

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When I left the room Mavis had found me. I excited the room and went to back to the pool. Everyone was drinking and having a good time. I moved towards the all you can eat food table. I hadn't noticed that Dracula's father came up behind me.

"Hello my dear," he whispered, picking up a thing of blood.

"Hello Vlad," I replied.

"I sense something different in you," He whispers. "I don't think anyone else had picked up on it yet. But I've seen the signs."

"What?" I asked, my brows fusing together in confusion.

"You are pregnant," Vlad replies. "The mood swings, the hungry... your also slightly noticeable bump."

I looked down. He was right. The bump was starting to show. A hybrid baby can grow slightly faster than a normal vampire or human baby. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Do not tell anyone please?" I whispered. "I do not want to ruin the cruise for anyone."

Vlad nods. He makes a gesture that his lips are sealed before he turned and went back to his lodge chair. I stuffed my face with a couple pieces of food. Everyone was again playing monster ball in the pool. Erika's voice rang out of the speakers distracting Dracula from hitting the ball and causing the other team to win. I crushed my class in my hand. It was quickly cleaned up from the ground and taken away. However my hand healed from the broken pieces. I finished eating. Since I was no longer hungry. Shortly it was time to go scuba diving to see the under water volcanos. I changed back into my bikini. The weird fish creature helped put on the scuba tank and I slipped into the scuba fins. Once ready everyone dove off the side of the boat into the water below. I smiled brightly and swam down into the dark waters to the underwater volcano. The sight was beautiful as the fish hybrid talked about it. Everyone swam around exploring and looking at all the fish. Dennis and Dracula snuck up to me on a shark. I giggled as Dracula offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me onto the shark with them. I giggled and rode with them until I pointed to a little sea horse. We swam over to it. Dracula first started to copy its movements. Dennis, Mavis and Jonathan followed as I laughed. A sting ray swam around us. I reached out and lightly touched its back. It scooped me up as it went after it released me and swam away. Dracula pretend to be on as he swam around us.  Which caused us all to giggle at him. A load of yellow fish came swarming out of the seaweed around us. We turned to see them cluster around a large version of them. We quickly swam over and Dracula caught it before it swam away. Mavis used an under water camera and snapped a picture. I looked at her questionably as she stared down at the picture. She looked at me and shrugs. We swam back up to the boat and got back on board. I took the googles off and removed the tank from my back. I sat door and slipped off the scuba fins. I arched a brow at the sight of 'Bob.' Mavis was curious of Bob and asked Dennis who he was. He said he was friend before running off to play ping pong with him. Dracula was quickly scooped away by his friends. I stood beside Mavis and Jonathan.

"Mavis, I need to talk to you about something," I said. "In private."

Mavis nods and together we leave to a private area of the boat.

"I think Dracula zinged with Erika," I explained, rushed. "He's been acting really strange since we got on the boat."

"What? That's impossible!" Mavis gasped. "He zinged with you. How could that be??"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"We have to keep him away from Erika! I already planned yours and my dad's wedding!" Mavis states. "I just never thought my dad would get over my mom but when he met you everything brightened. I was so hard on you at the beginning but I began to understand and know you. You aren't just a zing to my dad. You are mother to me."

I bite my bottom lip as the tears formed.

"Oh, Hun. No, matter what happens I will always be here for you, Jonathan. Dennis and your dad even if he doesn't choose me," I replied, lightly touching her cheek.

Mavis hugs me tight and I hugged her back in return. We shortly arrived at a deserted island. We walked down and onto the beach. Dracula told Mavis that her and Jonathan should have a date night while he spends time with Dennis. I crossed my arms and arched a brow at him before the couples went off to do their date night. Dracula went off somewhere leaving me with the kids. I helped them build a large sandcastle in which everyone could live inside if they wanted to. Mavis and Jonathan showed up giggling.

"Is Dracula in there?" Mavis asked.

"No, he went off on his date," Dennis replies.

My heart shattered into a billion little pieces. He went on a date.. with Erika.. The whole world around me began to spin. I felt sick and very dizzy. I tried to force myself to stay awake but my body refused. Slowly my body fell to the ground. I heard screams and hands grabbing me as I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

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